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Lexus IS 2007 220 D white smoke when warm help

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  • 1 Post By alflash
  • 1 Post By alflash

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Старый 26.01.2016, 14:03   #1 (permalink)
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Question Lexus IS 2007 220 D white smoke when warm help

I need some help guys I have a 220 D Lexus 2007 model when its warm up it smokes white for few mins I have even changed the fifth injector but it not solved the problem.
the is no fault code when I scan it.
I even open the CAT and DPF to check if its block but all is very clean. the was very letter carbon on the E G R that was all I cleaned it but no change any suggestion that would help
and one more thing when it gets hot temper at half sometimes the car want start till it gets cold again then it starts like nothing happened it driving me mad

sorry for my bad English
thanks in adv have a nice day
happeydays1 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 26.01.2016, 16:40   #2 (permalink)
Аватар для alflash
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Откуда: Украина, Одесса
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I need some help guys I have a 220 D Lexus 2007 model when its warm up it smokes white for few mins ...
Let us VIN-code and Model code
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alflash вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 26.01.2016, 17:21   #3 (permalink)
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its Lexus is220d 2007 model the vin is :JTHBB262902015302
happeydays1 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 26.01.2016, 19:41   #4 (permalink)
Аватар для alflash
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Откуда: Украина, Одесса
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O'k, Model Code ALE20R-AEFLYW.
Note. For example, Toyota has released a service bulletin (TSB) EG-0092L-1011 ("08-AD engine: Intermittent white smoke is coming from the exhaust")
Some customers may complain that intermittently there is excessive white smoke coming from the exhaust during accelerations. The problem only exists on vehicles that are equipped with a 08-AD engine with DPF or DPNR.
The engine ECU software has been changed
Therefore, check the number of the current version of the software (aka Current Calbration ID, e.g. http ://alflash.com.ua/tis/healtchreck1.gif ) and send the Results.

In addition, TSB EG-9004 ("2AD-FHV ENGINE, TURBOCHARGER OIL LEAK AND WHITE SMOKE") describes "This Service Bulletin provides information with regards to the inspection procedure for the turbocharging system. The procedure below should be added to conventional inspection, and is necessary to ensure that the turbocharging system is precisely operated".

Let (by pm) e-mail and I will send to You above file (in .pdf).

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alflash вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 27.01.2016, 13:12   #5 (permalink)
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Откуда: africa
Авто: vw audi and lexus
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the model code is : ALE20 (E)
engine code: 2AD-FHW

my one does have DPF

Последний раз редактировалось happeydays1; 27.01.2016 в 13:14.. Причина: update
happeydays1 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием

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