Форум по автодиагностике, автосканерам, ремонту, обслуживанию и эксплуатации автомобилей

Форум по автодиагностике, автосканерам, ремонту, обслуживанию и эксплуатации автомобилей (http://autoprogs.ru/index.php)
-   For non-russian speaking users (http://autoprogs.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=284)
-   -   How many english speaking people are here? (http://autoprogs.ru/showthread.php?t=22712)

2scan.ru 20.05.2017 17:21

How many english speaking people are here?
Hi all, it's just a quick research poll about english speaking people on this forum.
Leave a comment here if you're want to read and talk in english about car electronics!

00000095 21.06.2017 23:10

I don't mind, it helps to describe issues more precise, and not to transliterate files/folders to Russian

00000095 22.06.2017 17:41

Strange, nobody leaving comments here:shock:

borodaty 29.06.2017 20:38

Plus one

kurol 05.07.2017 10:46

don't know why here isn't so many people willing to talk in english...
the knowledge could be much much better shared. This could cause just permanent improvement of the forum.

Krasimirco 30.07.2017 19:00

Maybe cause it's .ru forum and most of those registered(from other countries) are bots or just find it hard to go trough the forum

iljahu 16.11.2017 21:00

This forums looks valuable to me, unfortunately my knowledge of russian is not so good - so I prefer reading and writing in english.
It's been more than 25 years I'm off the school where we had russian language mandatory :eek1:

prospeed 23.11.2017 20:13

+1 :)

cherlee10 14.01.2018 17:56


prospeed 14.01.2018 20:03


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