Форум по автодиагностике, автосканерам, ремонту, обслуживанию и эксплуатации автомобилей

Форум по автодиагностике, автосканерам, ремонту, обслуживанию и эксплуатации автомобилей (http://autoprogs.ru/index.php)
-   For non-russian speaking users (http://autoprogs.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=284)
-   -   How many english speaking people are here? (http://autoprogs.ru/showthread.php?t=22712)

iobau998 13.02.2019 10:16

Plus one

Aero73 20.02.2019 16:59

: thumbup:

I use translater so I am happy whatever the language.

bigdiez 21.05.2019 08:52

...i'm too....but not sooo goood :eek1:

DJKoza 29.05.2019 20:47

Russian is a wonderful language! But not my native one so that I'd prefer to communicate in English.

drewfix 08.07.2019 01:31

English language is the standard international protocol of science and engineering.

However I'm happy with the Russian banter, only because of google translate :thumbup:

It is a problem when colloquialisms are used though.

liamroe 31.07.2019 23:11

plus 1

libb 17.08.2019 11:26

I'm from Bulgaria understand most of writen on Russian but if I need to ask something can't write on Russian :) funny but if have chance to be allowed English should be better for me.


mfguney 25.08.2019 10:03

I use Google translate. It should be better if forum language will be English.

Yuzaas 27.08.2019 15:33

Well :) I suppose I could try learning something new :thumbup: :)

timeto 10.09.2019 14:58

I can read and understand Russian. Often using Russian docs and forums.
But writing on Russian is a PITA... The Grammar really bother ( scares me)... Russian lesson in the primary school left deep scares in my mind :help:

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