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Кодирование VAG

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Старый 06.01.2014, 05:43   #41 (permalink)
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Откуда: Переяслав-Хмельницкий
Авто: Honda CR-V
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Отдать ближайшей швее чтобы прошила ! В этих годах там более десятка модификаций двигателя !
diagnost0 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 18.01.2014, 13:55   #42 (permalink)
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Откуда: Киев
Авто: Skoda Octavia A5
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Свой Суперб 2012г кодировал Васей 11.11.3. Подскажи версию шнурка для кодировки Октавии А7. Есть предположение, что нужен VAG-COM 12.10.3
Нужно VAG-COM 12.10 или VAS5054 но с ODIS а не с VAS-PC.
Поддержка VAS-PC прекращена, платформу MQB он не поддерживает.
gamester вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 19.01.2014, 22:08   #43 (permalink)
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Откуда: ЯНАО, Надым
Авто: Skoda Superb
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12.10 не видит А7. Проверено. При этом буквально сегодня попытался активировать через кар2диаг. Он мне опчть выслал ссыль на 12.10.8... Че за нафик....... Хотя уже есть 12.12 версия...
St@vr вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 21.01.2014, 14:21   #44 (permalink)
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Еще по кодировкам VAG информация - скопировано у зарубежных коллег:

1- Golf 6: Enable closing windows and roof with rain:
Module 09
Conding 7
We found a menu with three options, select option 3 RLS.
Byte 02
Bit 2 (OFF 0, ON 1)
Now, for us, to reveal the "RAIN CLOSING" menu COMFORT FIS
Module 9
Octet 4
We set bits 5 and 6
Bit 5 (to appear in the menu)
Bit 6 (if it is enabled by default)

2- Golf 6: Disable the rear clean sweep:
Module 9
Octet 21
Bit 3

3- Golf 6: Turn the front fog beam:
Module 9
byte 17
Enable Bit 5 (Front fog off with High Beam)

4- Golf 6: Disable permanent xenon:
Xenon headlights for that are no longer permanently on the day
Choose Calculator / Select, Module 09-07 Coding, Coding Long, Byte 11, Bit 2 uncheck. Output, save, exit.

5- Golf 6: Time Leaving Home (Opening):
Unit: Central Conv.
Module: 09 Central Electronics
Function: Function 10.
CHANEL: 002.
Possible values​​: 0 to 120 seconds

6- Golf 6: Rain + Light sensor:
Module 09
Conding 7
We found a menu with three options , select option 3 RLS .
Here is a configuration with 6 digits. By percentage based on natural decimals.
Coding: March 30th AD (default depending on model)
Byte 00: Correction rain sensor
Byte 01: Light Sensor Correction
Byte 02: Correction Light + rain sensor / highway
byte 00
In this, we can modify the rain sensor , which I think works well like that.
Whoever wants to tinker you know ...
byte 01
This can change the light sensor , according to the natural degree on the basis of decimal numbers.
This means that we have a range of 0 % to 100 % in order to correct its sensibilité.Nous 'll have to move the
Dec to hex number .
Example: if you put less sensitive , 40% would change the value "30" for byte 01
value "28" in the table below are percentages . Coding March 28 AD
% = Percentage table HEX
20% = 14/30 = 1E % / 40 % = 28/50 % = 32/60 = 3C % / 70 % = 46/80 % = 50/90 % = 5A
byte 02
Finally, the light sensor + rain / highway . This is different from the previous two. If we do not
low beam to exceed 140 kmh subtract 1 ( ej.03 - 1 ... 02 30AD ) .
Instead, if we want the rain sensor is active when the car is closed , which is
close windows and sunroof when it starts raining , then you must add 4.
Example: 03 + 4 = 07/07 Coding 30AD or if we do not put the low beam to overcome
140km/hya while the rain sensor is active would be 03-01 + 4 = 06/06 30AD Coding
We can also do the following :
Enable / Disable lights autocrossing 140 kmh = 02 byte > Bit 0
Lights Auto Enable / Disable clear Crossing byte = 02> Bit 1
Enable / Disable Auto Close rain windows Byte = 02> Bit 2

7- Golf 6: Synchronizing a new key manually:
- Use the two original keys supplied with the vehicle , ie the one who commands and no.
- Unlock the car lock the driver's door with the key free of charge.
- Turn the ignition key without remote control.
- Lock the vehicle with the remote lock the driver's door .
- A maximum of 30 seconds, you must do the following :
- Press once on the lock button on the remote control , the indicators flash .
- Press once on the unlock button on the remote control for more than 2 seconds.
- The key is set and the vehicle is unlocked , which confirms synchronization.
By pressing the unlock button several times beyond the reach of the remote control, you can
do not occur
can open or close the car with the remote. Again be synchronized with the remote key
distance .
To do this, it is necessary that the control has been placed in the sprat do before,
Indeed, when the
ignition control buttons does not work, it is best to encode the order before
mounting sprat . for
prove that it works is necessary to remove the ignition key

8- Golf 6: Enable the hidden RNS-510 menu:
Module 37 (Navigation)
Channel 50 (this value to 0 will be changed to 1) Save
Once completed, you must restart the radio (Press simultaneously, rewind and Info)
Setting Hold for 15-20 seconds. On and after that appear on the screen: Setup Menu 1 / Radio Service 2nd / 3rd hidden menu

9- Golf 6: Activate the rain sensor and automatic headlights:
Unit: Bordnetz (on board) 3C0 937 049 E
Module: 09 Centr. Electr.
Byte: 00
Bit 6
Rain / Light Sensor installed

10- Golf 6: Power folding mirrors, while the ignition is off and the door open:
To finally be able to electrically folding mirrors while (as usual) you have turned off the ignition and open the driver's door.
choose calculator
Select Module 09,
Long coding,
Byte 4,
Bit 7 box,
uncheck Bit 4.

11 - Golf 6: Scanning needles to start the car:
17 Instrument
- Adaptation
- Staging

12- Golf 6: Activation of hazard warning lights under heavy braking:
Module 09
Byte: 17
Bit: 0.
Brake Ligh active emergency flash

13- Golf 6: Turn off the lights with brake:
Module 9
Octet 11
Bit 0

14- Golf 5 (1K): Closing the windows with a single pulse:
To close the windows with the remote NOT stay down until the windows are completely closed.
[09 - Power Station] -> [Coding-07] -> [Long Coding Assistant]
Byte 6:
Bit 6: Check "Comfort Function automatic Closing"
Pulse 3 seconds on the closing button on the remote will initially lock the doors and then close the windows without needing to keep pressing the button until the complete closure

15- Golf 5 (1K): Automatic lights in the rain:
Can automatically turn on the lights when it rains and automatic ignition windshield wipers is triggered.
[09 - Power Station] -> [Coding-07] -> [RLS 2] (in the dropdown) -> [Long Coding Assistant]
Byte 0:
Bit 1: Select "Rain Light Function active"

16- Sirocco: Automatic closing of windows and pano roof on a click
To simplify closing the windows and sunroof remotely via the key (because most often the operation stops at full speed and c is very annoying)
He must equipped with the vag-com, visit the module 46 says "controller"
-then go to 07 called "coding"
- Click on "long coding"
and finally click on the bit 6 in order to finish by checking the box 6.
And support two seconds is enough to close all the windows and roof of the vehicle without having to hold down until complete closure on the remote!!

17- Sirocco: Enable GPS navigation mode rises in 2nd:
- Start VCDS application and click "Select"
- Click on "19-CAN Gateway"
- Click on "Installation List"
- Check the "37 - Navigation"

18- Sirocco: Enabling cornering lights

Reminder: this is a system that lights the fog on the side where you turn if the lights are on and if it is less than 40 or 50 km / h.
Open vag-com, then click Select 09 - Central Electric
click Encryption - 07
click "assistant long coding"
This is the most important part.
Line 3 => click in the 15th box, you must be 01 (I'm 81 because I've checked the box).
In Part 4 => tick: Bit 7 cornering light ...
After the top and then click OK to exit this window menu.
A message tells you that the code is accepted.

19- Sirocco: Activation beep locking doors - VW alarm
To get a beep when the doors are closed with the remote control, you must set the bit 1 of octet 5 coding of the power plant (09)

20- Sirocco: Activation and test needles counters start
Enabling Gauge Test/Needle Sweep.
This will sweep the gauge needles through their full range automatically when you start the engine.
[17 - Instruments]
[Coding - 07]
[Long Coding Helper]
Click on each of the Byte numbers in step 3) and you'll see the selectable options below.
Check the box for "Gauge Test/Needle Sweep active"
[Do It!]

21-Audi A8 (4E): Replacement Battery
This procedure explains how to replace a battery in a vehicle using a battery module separate management control . See separate models where the battery pack management control is a slave / subsystem gateway instructions.
The following procedure assumes that you use a battery purchased from VW / Audi, all the details necessary for the following steps may be found on the battery itself . Be sure to consult the factory service manual to complete any additional prerequisites.
[61 - Rules of the battery ]
[ Coding - 07]
Use the drop down to select the battery ( slave) listed as # 1 menu.
[ Coding Battery ]
-Enter the new drum part (10 or 11 digits) .
-Enter the new serial number of the battery (10 digits).
-Select the new Supplier battery.
[ Do it !]
[Close Controller , Go Back - 06]
Your new battery should now be encoded and the control module of the battery must be aware of the new battery.
Note: The 10-digit serial number may be preceded by the code of the supplier of the battery, for example VA0 Varta . If the code is VA0310314E04G then remove the VA0 and simply enter 310314E04G . Sometimes sticker battery part number can cover up the white sticker with the serial number.

22- Audi Q7 (4L): Electronic Brake
special procedures
Steering angle sensor ( G85 )
Start the vehicle .
Turn the steering wheel one turn to the right and a left turn .
Drive straight short distance on a flat surface at a speed not exceeding 20 km / h .
If the steering wheel is straight during the test drive then stop the vehicle with the right wheels.
Ensure that the steering wheel is not moved again.
Keep the engine running and do not switch off the ignition .
System voltage at least 12.0 V
[ 03 - Brake Electronics ]
[Security Access - 16]
Enter 40168 , to enable adjustment of base .
[ Do it !]
[ Basic Settings - 04]
060 group
[ Go!]
Enable the basic setting .
[ON / OFF / Next]
After a successful database creation , field 2 should say "OK " .
[Done , Go Back]
To ensure that the basic setting was successful , check the sensor again .
[ Measuring Blocks - 08]
group 004
[ Go!]
Check box 1 value must be between -1.5 and +1.5 ° .
[Done , Go Back]
[Close Controller , Go Back - 06]
Admin вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Эти 4 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Admin за сообщение:
Daniel'23 (20.02.2017), Pitstop (22.01.2014), raqli dawidov (21.01.2014), St@vr (23.01.2014)
Старый 21.01.2014, 14:22   #45 (permalink)
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Откуда: Москва
Авто: Ford Fiesta
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VW Golf 7

1- Display of battery status in on-board computer

In-board computer or in the multifunction display of the instrument cluster you have the option of the Seat Leon 5F to display the status of the battery.

The following procedure shall be used:

Press the trip odometer button / Trip button (0.0 / SET button) and hold
Release the button when the display battery status lights
Battery indicator is displayed

2- Passenger-side mirror lowering when reversing

In the front passenger door control unit, you have the option with the VW Golf 7 to activate the passenger-side mirror lowering. Thus is lowered automatically when reverse gear is selected and the mirror on the passenger side mirror of the passenger side.

The following coding is used:

Select STG 52 (Türelektr. Beifahr.)
STG Long Coding -> Function 07
Byte 04
Enable Bit 2
Enable Bit 3

3- Automatic activation of CH / LH function

The onboard supply control unit, you have the option with the VW Golf 7 Coming Home (CH) and Leaving Home (LH) switch function so that it is enabled automatically, without having to turn off the light switch.

The following coding is used:
Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
STG access authorization -> Function 16
Enter Unlock Code 31347
STG adjustment -> function 10

(1) Comfort Lighting Coming Home Select Verbaustatus
Value to automatically adjust default: manual

4- Activation of the LED license plate illumination

The onboard supply control unit, you can unlock the VW Golf 7 retrofit LED license plate lights. Thus, no error message will appear more in the instrument cluster (dash panel insert).

The following coding is used:

- Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
- STG access authorization -> Function 16
- Enter Unlock Code 31347
- STG adjustment -> function 10
- (1) Select-Leuchte25KZL HA59 load type 25
- Adapt general LED - value at 43
- (6) Leuchte25KZL HA59-dimming AB 25 Select
Adjust Value to 127

5- Activate the rain closing

The onboard supply control unit, you have the option with the VW Golf 7 to activate the function of the rain closure. Still open window In verbautem rain sensor so when it rains eventually closed.

The following coding is used:

Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
STG access authorization -> Function 16
Enter Unlock Code 31347
STG adjustment -> function 10
(14) select access control 2-Regenschließen_art
Adjust value to permanently
(15) select access control 2-Regenschließen_art
Adjust Value on active
Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
Select RLS (rain and light sensor) - STG
Bye 1
Enable Bit 2

6- Adaptation of the lane departure intensity of steering assistance, steering wheel vibration intensity, deactivation threshold driver activity

In the VW Golf 7, you can adjust the lane departure warning. If for you, for example, the Active Lane Assistant off too soon, you can change with the adaptation of the disable threshold driver activity behavior and extend or shorten acc.

The following coding is used:

Adjust intensity of steering wheel vibration

Select STG A5 (Camera)
STG access authorization -> Function 16
Enter Unlock Code 20103
STG adjustment -> function 10
Select channel intensity steering wheel vibration
Value adjust accordingly default: medium options: early, middle, late

Deactivation threshold of driver activity adapt
Select STG A5 (Camera)
STG access authorization -> Function 16
Enter Unlock Code 20103
STG adjustment -> function 10
Select channel deactivation threshold driver activity
Value adjust accordingly default: medium options: early, middle, late

Adjust intensity steering wheel support
Select STG A5 (Camera)
STG access authorization -> Function 16
Enter Unlock Code 20103
STG adjustment -> function 10
Select channel intensity steering wheel support
Value adjust accordingly default: medium options: early, middle, late

7 - Delayed response of headlamp cleaning system for the front washer

The onboard supply control unit, you have the option with the VW Golf 7 to extend the delay time for Anpsrechen the headlamp cleaning system. Thus, the front headlamp washing is later driven and thus saved mop water.

The following coding is used:

Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
STG access authorization -> Function 16
Enter Unlock Code 31347
STG adjustment -> function 10
(2) Select windshield wiper SRA delay time
Adjust value corresponding to desired default value: 0 ms Example value: 1500 ms

8 - Adjustment of the interval of the headlamp cleaning system (SWRA)

The onboard supply control unit, you have the option of the new VW Golf 7 to adapt the control of headlamp cleaning system. Depending on the desired value, future less often driven this (thus saving in the consumption of the fountain solution), or more often if the headlights are often too dirty (thus more consumption in the mop water). Also, the washing time can be adjusted accordingly. Here, too, therefore, the amount of the fountain solution consumed is reduced or increased.

The following coding is used:

Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
STG access authorization -> Function 16
Enter access code 31347
STG adjustment -> function 10
Channel (1) - Select Number of operations front windshield wipers wash per SRA activation
Adjust value corresponding

Channel (3) - Select windscreen wipers SRA washing time
Adjust value corresponding
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Pitstop (22.01.2014), raqli dawidov (21.01.2014)
Старый 21.01.2014, 14:22   #46 (permalink)
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Откуда: Москва
Авто: Ford Fiesta
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Audi A3 (8V)
Built starting in 2012

1- Adjusting the speed thresholds for activating the Abbiegelichtes fog lamps

The onboard supply control unit, you have the option of the Audi A3 8V the speed thresholds for the turn of the Abbiegelichtes on the fog lights (NSW) adapt. Unless you have the Abbieglicht activated, you can adjust the speed according to your values still want. In the standard, the cornering up to 32 km / h is enabled unless you can modify the entries Equivalent thus eg to 50 km / h effected the activation.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
2. STG access authorization -> Function 16
3. Enter Unlock Code 31347
4. STG adjustment -> function 10
5. Channel (3) select static cornering light lower speed threshold
6. Value corresponding to customize default value: 0 km / h Note: If the value statement, the Abbieglicht is thus disabled and driven only from the acc set speed in stand
7. Channel (4) select static cornering light upper speed threshold
8. Value adjust accordingly default value: 32 km / h Note: works well up to a maximum of 60 km / h (built-up areas) because otherwise Equivalent steering on the road, the cornering light is activated

2- Activation / activation of ambient lighting

The onboard supply control unit, you have the option 8V unlock the ambient lighting in the new Audi A3. If you have upgraded this, you can enable the display of the MMI with the following coding steps.

The following coding is used:
1. Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
2. STG Long Coding -> Function 07
3. Byte 17
4. Bit 3 Enable - Enable Ambientebelechtung in the MMI
5. Bit 2 Enable - Ambientebleuchtung All Zones - Front - Footwell
6. Bit 1 Enable - Ambientebleuchtung door lighting

3- Adaptation of the dynamic start-off

The control unit of the electronic brake system you have the option of the Audi A3 8V adapt a Start. The approach can thus be adjusted accordingly.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 03 (Brakes Electronics)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Select Dynamic pull
4. worth adapt accordingly (default value: quick)

4 -Passenger-side mirror lowering when reversing

In the front passenger door control unit, you have the option of the Audi A3 8V to activate the passenger-side mirror lowering. Thus is lowered automatically when reverse gear is selected and the mirror on the passenger side mirror of the passenger side.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 52 (Türelektr. Beifahr.)
2. STG Long Coding -> Function 07
3. Byte 04
4. Enable Bit 2
5. Enable Bit 3

5- Adaptation of Hill Start Assistant

The control unit of the electronic brake system you have the option the Audi A3 8V adapt the hill-start assistant. Thus, you can customize the approach behavior accordingly.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 03 (Brakes Electronics)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Select Berganfahrassistent
4. worth adjust accordingly (default: normal)

6- Enable / disable the Eject Lock CD / DVD drive

The control unit of the electronic information you have the option of the Audi A3 8V to enable or disable the Eject Lock CD / DVD drive. If your car from a rental pool (car rental, rental cars) come, it may happen that the Auswurfsspere was not removed. This can therefore be undone.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 5F (Information Electronics)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Select channel CD eject button or eject lock.
4. Activate Channel - Eject Lock actively
block / disable value - Eject Lock inactive

7- Adaptation of the threshold for display of the distance to the curb

In the parking aid control unit, you can adjust the Audi A3 8V, the threshold for the indication of the distance to the curb. Should you be of the opinion that the last display level is too high or too close to the curb or obstacle indicates / signals a, this can be altered accordingly.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 10 (parking aid 2)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Select distance to the curb
4. Adjust value accordingly (default value: 15 cm)

8- Deactivation activation tone of the parking aid

In the parking aid control unit you have the option of the Audi A3 8V the activation tone to disable the loading of the reverse gear or when activating the parking aid on the relevant operator button in the center console.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 10 (parking aid 2)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Select activation tone for parking aid
4. Adjust value to off (Default value: on)

9- Adjustment of the requirement for lowering the audio

In the parking aid control unit you have the option the Audi A3 8V to turn off the requirement for audio reduction. Thus, in the reverse gear insert the volume in the MMI is not reduced.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 10 (parking aid 2)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Select Request Audio lowering
4. worth adapt to no (default: yes)

10- Activated via the MMI - Visual representation of the parking aid (Audi Parking System APS)

In the parking aid control unit you have the option of the Audi A3 8V unlock the visual display of the parking aid via the MMI, even if only the 'small' parking aid is installed for the rear.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 10 (parking aid)
2. STG access permission - select function 16
3. Enter access code 71679
4. STG coding -> Select Function 07
5. Select byte 2
6. Bit 0 - visual representation parking sensors - activate

11- Disable seatbelt warning indicator in the instrument cluster

The dash panel insert (KI) you have the option of the Audi A3 8V to disable the seatbelt warning. Optical and acoustic display in the instrument cluster turns itself off.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 17 (dash panel insert)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Select disable seatbelt warning
4. change to "yes" (default value: no)

also possible
1. Select STG 17 (dash panel insert)
2. STG Long Coding -> Function 07
3. Byte 0
4. Disable Bit 2

12- Adaptation shutdown threshold for the visual display of the parking aid

In the parking aid control unit you have the option the Audi A3 8V adjust the cut-off threshold of the optical display for parking aid. Depending on the set speed, the optical display / presentation in the MMI are thus lengthened or shortened.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 10 (parking aid 2)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Select shutdown for parking aid
4. worth adjust accordingly (default value: 10 km / h)

13- Adaptation of the turn signal cycle

In the central electrical system you have the option the Audi A3 8V adjust the Zylkus the comfort blinker. Range 1-5 possible (ie between 1x or 5x flash per tap)

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
2. STG access authorization -> Function 16
3. Enter access code 31347
4. STG adjustment -> function 10
5. Channel (2) Select Turn signal control convenience turn signal flasher cycles
6. Adjust value corresponding to - Possible value range: 1-5 Default: 3 (3x flash)

13- Adjustment of speed threshold of the static cornering light (cornering)

The onboard supply control unit you have the possibility to adapt the new Audi A3 8V the speed threshold of the static cornering light (cornering). If you like this favor at higher speeds as well, this can be adjusted accordingly.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
2. STG access authorization -> Function 16
3. Enter access code 31347
4. STG adjustment -> function 10
5. Channel (4) - select static cornering light upper speed threshold
6. Value as desired to adjust default value: 32 km / h

14- Activation of the lap timer / lap counter in the FIS

The dash panel insert, you can the Audi A3 8V known as lap timer and lap counter in the FIS (Driver Information System) to activate. They are therefore to use the function of the lap counter able, in addition, the oil temperature gauge in the FIS is enabled.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 17 (switchboard)
2. STG Long Coding -> Function 07
3. Byte 1
4. Enable Bit 3

15- Adjusting the microphone sensitivity

In the navigation controller, you can adjust the microphone sensitivity in the new Audi A3 8V. If you are of your interlocutor poorly understood, you can use the following instruction to adjust the sensitivity of the microphone so as to enable better voice quality.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 5F (infotainment)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Select Mikrofonempfindlichtkeit (Microphone sensitivity)
4. worth adapt accordingly

16- Display the oil temperature gauge in the FIS laptimer

The dash panel insert, you can the Audi A3 8V the oil temperature gauge in the FIS to activate (driver information system). It will be displayed under the new menu item lap timer in the instrument cluster.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 17 (switchboard)
2. STG Long Coding -> Function 07
3. Byte 1
4. Enable Bit 3

17- Activation of the switching recommendation in the FIS

The dash panel insert, you can the Audi A3 8V the switching recommendation in the FIS (Driver Information System) to unlock. Thus, a necessary gear change is displayed accordingly to support a fuel-saving driving style.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 17 (switchboard)
2. STG Long Coding -> Function 07
3. Byte 1
4. Enable Bit 5

18- Adjustment of the seat heater withdrawal thresholds

In the climate control unit, you have the option of the Audi A3 8V adapt the withdrawal thresholds of the seat heater. By default this is reduced to the threshold 2 after 10 minutes with activated threshold 3. Especially for our female rider / passenger interior, this is almost unacceptable for acc temperatures! In order to avoid this, the automated redemption to be adjusted.

The following coding is used:

1. STG £ 08 (Air)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Select time until heated seats redemption level 3 to level 2
4. Value adjust accordingly value 0 corresponds to deactivate the function -> thus no automatic return (default: 10 minutes) Should it be desired, contrary to the above assumption to connect with activated level 2 automatically after appropriate period of time at level 1, this can be via the following adaptation be done:
5. STG £ 08 (Air)
6. STG adjustment -> function 10
7. Select time until heated seats redemption level 2 to level 1
8. Adjust value accordingly (Default: 0 minutes)
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Старый 21.01.2014, 14:23   #47 (permalink)
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Skoda Octavia III
Type 5E
Year 2013 –

1- Display of battery status in on-board computer
In-board computer or in the multifunction display of the instrument cluster you have the option of the Seat Leon 5F to display the status of the battery.

The following procedure shall be used:

1. Press the trip odometer button / Trip button (0.0 / SET button) and hold
2. Release the button when the display battery status lights
3. Battery indicator is displayed

2-Passenger-side mirror lowering when reversing

In the front passenger door control unit, you have the option of the Skoda Octavia III 5E to activate the passenger-side mirror lowering. Thus is lowered automatically when reverse gear is selected and the mirror on the passenger side mirror of the passenger side.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 52 (Türelektr. Beifahr.)
2. STG Long Coding -> Function 07
3. Byte 04
4. Enable Bit 2
5. Enable Bit 3

6. Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
7. STG access authorization -> Function 16
8. Enter Unlock Code 31347
9. STG adjustment -> function 10
10. Choose (15) Access control 2 level reduction at Rueckwaertsfahrt
11. Set value to active (active) additionally possible: Hide menu item in Radio-/Navigationssystem, so you are even able in the future to enable the feature on or off
12. Choose (20) Access control 2-menu control drawdown
13. Set value to active (active)

3 -Turn on sharing the wake of the windows when opening the door

The onboard supply control unit, you have the option in the new Skoda Octavia III 5E to activate the release of the trailing windows when opening the doors. If you leave the vehicle and activate the automatic operation of the windows, this is no longer interrupted when opening the doors and the windows closed or opened accordingly.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
2. STG access authorization -> Function 16
3. Enter access code 31347
4. STG adjustment -> function 10
5. Choose (13) Access Control 2 released follow-FH cancel at Tueroeffnen
6. Value set to inactive default: active

4- Disable seatbelt warning

The dash panel insert (KI) you have the option of the Skoda Octavia III 5E to disable the seatbelt warning. The visual warning symbol in the instrument cluster as well as the acoustic sound is thus turned off.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 17 (dash panel insert)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Select Disable channel belt warning
4. change to "yes" (default value: no) alternatively also possible:

5- Adaptation of the tailgate

In the tailgate control unit, you have the option of the Skoda Octavia III 5E recode the tailgate, so these are just a short push of a button will close automatically, thus no longer needs to be pressed and held down key. On this page you will also find additional setting of the tailgate control.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 6D (tailgate)
2. STG access authorization -> Function 16
3. 12345: code
4. STG adjustment -> function 10
5. Control by switch for Heckklappenfernentriegelung - touch function when closing
6. set to inactive
7. Control by push-button for tailgate opening remote control key - touch function when closing
8. set to inactive
9. Control by switch for Heckklappenfernentriegelung - Tip function when closing
10. rely on active
11. Control by push-button for tailgate opening remote control key - Tip function when closing
12. rely on active

Another possible settings / codes of the tailgate:

• Open for a detected trailer

here you have the possibility to drive the tailgate future as well / use despite bandaged trailer

• Pitch of the audible warning

here, you can adjust the pitch (frequency). Select this end, appropriate adjustment channel and adjust the frequency. Standard Pursuant to 680 HZ are deposited

• Speed threshold for vehicle drives

you have the option to adjust the speed threshold at which the opening / closing of the tailgate is possible here. By default 10 km / h is defined, it can be arbitrarily set up.

• Warning when closing with button in the interior or radio key

here you have the option to disable the warning when closing the tailgate. Thus, no more annoying gepiepe.

• Warning when opening with button in the interior or radio key

here you have the option to disable the warning when opening the tailgate. Thus, no more annoying gepiepe.

• Connect with FFB, stop when you leave the immediate area

here you have the possibility to delay the closing via FFB when leaving the immediate area and thus an annoying early end to change the closing.

6- Displays the fan speed in AUTO mode, the air conditioning

In the climate control unit, you have the option of the Skoda Octavia III 5E to enable the display of fan speed in AUTO mode. Once activated, the current fan speed thus is shown in AUTO mode using the LED display. (By default, the LED indicator is displayed only when manually setting the fan speed)

The following coding is used:

1. STG £ 08 (Air)
2. STG Long Coding -> Function 07
3. Byte 11
4. Bit 6 - Enable Blower Status Display in AUTO mode active

7- Activation of the LED license plate illumination

The onboard supply control unit, you have the option of the Skoda Octavia unlock III 5E retrofit LED license plate lights. Thus, no error message will appear more in the instrument cluster (dash panel insert).

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
2. STG access authorization -> Function 16
3. Enter Unlock Code 31347
4. STG adjustment -> function 10
5. (1) Select-Leuchte25KZL HA59 load type 25
6. Adapt general LED - value at 43
7. (6) Leuchte25KZL HA59-dimming AB 25 Select
8. Adjust Value to 127

8- Activate the rain closing

The onboard supply control unit, you have the option of the Skoda Octavia III 5E to activate the function of the rain closure. The windows and the panoramic roof are In verbautem rain sensor thus with closed vehicle and activated rain sensor automatically closes. The operation mode can be enabled or disabled as in the CAR menu when the acc entry is activated.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
2. STG access authorization -> Function 16
3. Enter Unlock Code 31347
4. STG adjustment -> function 10
5. (14) select access control 2-rain Close
6. Adjust value to permanently
7. (26) Access Control 2 Control menu select Rain Close
8. Adjust Value on active
9. Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
10. Select RLS (rain and light sensor) - STG
11. Byte 0
12. Enable bit 1
13. Enable Bit 2

9- Activation of the parking light to the rear lights (LED) daytime running lights

The onboard supply control unit, you have the option in the new Skoda Octavia III 5E mitzuschalten the tail lights as parking lights with active (LED) daytime running lights. If the daytime running lights in brightness of the headlights on, the tail lights are switched on thus additionally.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
2. STG access authorization -> Function 16
3. Enter access code 31347
4. STG adjustment -> function 10
5. Channel (6) - daytime running lights - daytime running lights activated additionally select still light
6. Put emphasis on active

Alternatively possible unless you want to only mitleuchten the taillights and not want the parking light is also active (therefore no labeling of the active state of the light at the light switch)

1. Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
2. STG access authorization -> Function 16
3. Enter access code 31347
4. STG adjustment -> function 10
5. Select Leuchte23SL HLC10 light function D23 - channel (9)
6. Put value on daytime running lights
7. Select Leuchte24SL HRA65 light function D24 - channel (9)
8. Put value on daytime running lights
9. Select Leuchte26NSL LA72-light function D26 - channel (9)
10. Put value on daytime running lights
11. Select Leuchte27NSL RC6-light function D27 - channel (9)
12. Put value on daytime running lights

10- Deactivation of the message / tone with ignition on

The dash panel insert (KI) you have the option of the Skoda Octavia III 5E to disable the message with ignition on. Thus, we disabled the annoying tone when the ignition and driver's door open.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 17 (dash panel insert)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Ignition active message; trigger
4. change to "No display" (default value: driver's door)
Admin вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Эти 3 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Admin за сообщение:
Pitstop (22.01.2014), raqli dawidov (21.01.2014), St@vr (23.01.2014)
Старый 21.01.2014, 14:48   #48 (permalink)
Участник тусовки
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Откуда: ЯНАО, Надым
Авто: Skoda Superb
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Admin, С Вашего разрешения для Октавии А7 с переводом. (собрано по крупицам)
1. Тест стрелок
-длинное кодирование
-байт 1
-бит включения — 0
2. Включение задних габаритов в режиме только ДХО
-Блок 9
-Закрытый раздел
-вводите код доступа 31347
-канал — (6) — Tagfahrlicht — Dauerfahrlicht aktiviert zusaetzlich Standlicht auswählen
-меняете значение на Active
3. Отключение оповещения о непристегнутом ремне
-Блок 17
-длинное кодирование
-Байт 0
-Бит отключения 2-4
— Наклон правого зеркала при движении задним ходом
Делал так:
— Блок 52
— кодирование
— байт 4
— активировал бит 2 и 3.
— Блок 9
— адаптация
— (15) Access control 2-Spiegelabsenkung bei Rueckwaertsfahrt
— Aktiv
— идем туда же
— (20) Access control 2-Menuesteuerung Spigelabsenkung
— aktiv

Отображение состояния батареи в бортовой компьютер
Выключаем зажигание — нажимаем и держим кнопку "Set" на приборке до тех пор пока не появится надпись
1. Нажмите кнопку Кнопка / поездки поездка одометра (кнопка 0.0 / SET) и удерживайте
2. Отпустите кнопку, когда индикаторы состояния дисплей батареи
3. Отображается индикатор батареи
Адаптация Hill Start Assistant
Блок управления электронной тормозной системы у вас есть возможность в Skoda Octavia III 5E адаптировать холма начала помощника. Таким образом, вы можете настроить поведение подход соответственно. В зависимости от набора с тормозом, таким образом, сохраняется короче или длиннее и таким образом облегчает поведение подход, в зависимости от ваших потребностей.
В следующем кодирование используется:
Выберите блок 03 (Тормоза Электроника)
1. Адаптация -> функция 10
2. Выберите Berganfahrassistent
3. значение, соответствующее настроить нормально: по умолчанию параметры: рано, нормально, в конце
Отображает скорость вращения вентилятора в автоматическом режиме, на кондиционер
В блок управления климатом, у вас есть возможность в Skoda Octavia III 5E, чтобы включить отображение скорости вращения вентилятора в режиме AUTO. После активации, текущая скорость вентилятора, таким образом, на дисплей в режиме AUTO помощью светодиодного дисплея. (По умолчанию, индикатор отображается только при ручной установкой скорости вентилятора)
В следующем кодирование используется:
Блок № 8 (Воздух)
1. Длинное кодирование -> Функция 07
2. Байт 11
3. Бит 6 - Включить Вентилятор Status Display в автоматическом режиме активной
Сохранение последнего набор сиденья стадии нагрева
В блок управления климатом, у вас есть возможность Skoda Octavia III 5E хранения последнего набор сиденья этап отопления для активации. Таким образом, после перезагрузки автомобиль, заранее определенный уровень автоматически сбрасывается.
В следующем кодирование используется:
Блок 08 (Воздух)
1. Адаптация -> функция 10
2. Выберите канал Speicherung der Sitzheizungsstufe Fahrer
3. Отрегулируйте значение в активное (Значение по умолчанию: не активирован)
4. Выберите канал Speicherung der Sitzheizungsstufe Beifahrer
5. Отрегулируйте значение в активное (Значение по умолчанию: не активирован)

Место в баке
1. Выберите блок 17 (коммутатор)
2. Длинное кодирование -> Функция 07
3. Байт 10
4. Бит включения 4 (если нет 4 бита, В двоичном коде четвертым символом ставим 1)
Включение противотуманок при включении функции Coming home, Living home
09-Блок управления бортовой сети
16-Закрытая область
Вводим код — 31347
10-Адаптация 4 канал (Fog Light)

4) Отключение ходовых огней в режиме "0" при поднятии ручника
09-Блок управления бортовой сети
16-Закрытая область
Вводим код — 31347
Находим пункт (5) Tagfahrlicht — Dauerfahrlicht bei Handbremse abschalten

5) Звуковое сопровождение открытия и закрытия авто штатной сигналкой
на елегансе активируется через болеро
09-Блок управления бортовой сети
16-Закрытая область
Вводим код — 31347
1 канал – YES, 2 канал – YES, 8 канал – Activ, 7 канал – Activ, 3 канал – Normal.

Включение функции складывания боковых зеркал удержанием кнопки закрытия дверей
09-Блок управления бортовой сети
16-Закрытая область
Вводим код — 31347
22 канал (Access control 2-Funk) by convenience operation

Включение отключение системы адаптивного освещения в поворотах (Corner) в зависимости от скорости
09-Блок управления бортовой сети
16-Закрытая область
Вводим код — 31347
3 канал (Static AFS) ставим 0 км/ч
4 канал (Static AFS) выставляем 50 км/ч
Изменение количества мигания поворотника в режиме обгона или перестроения (короткое нажатие на на рычаг поворотника)
09-Блок управления бортовой сети
16-Закрытая область
Вводим код — 31347
2 канал (Turn signal control) – выставляем нужно количество (5)
Светодиоды в подсветку номера (не будет выдавать ошибку)
09-Блок управления бортовой сети
16-Закрытая область
Вводим код — 31347
1 канал (Leuchte25KZL) (ставим 43)
6 канал (Leuchte25KZL) (ставим 127)

Увеличение интервала срабатывания омывателей фар
09-Блок управления бортовой сети
16-Закрытая область
Вводим код — 31347
1 канал (Windshield wiper –Anzahl) ставим 15

Увеличение времени срабатывания омывателей фар
09-Блок управления бортовой сети
16-Закрытая область
Вводим код — 31347
2 канал (Windshield wiper-SRA) ставим 1500

Увеличение времени обогрева заднего стекла
09-Блок управления бортовой сети
16-Закрытая область
Вводим код — 31347
3 канал (Window heater) ставим 1200
St@vr вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Эти 3 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо St@vr за сообщение:
Pitstop (22.01.2014), pitstop71 (21.02.2014), raqli dawidov (21.01.2014)
Старый 21.01.2014, 14:51   #49 (permalink)
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Откуда: ЯНАО, Надым
Авто: Skoda Superb
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Вот еще что есть

Перевод педали газа в режим "спорт" с помощью VAG COM.

Перевод педали газа в режим спорт изменяет график зависимости открытия дросселя от положения педали газа.
1. Запускаешь Ваг-Ком, заходишь в блок "Central Electric 09" — "Coding" — 'Long coding helper'. Меняешь Byte 7, Bit 5, так, чтобы бинарное значение получилось "binary 00100001". Если свежая версия ваг-кома, то просто ставишь галочку напротив "Drive system active" в закладке 7-го бита.
2. После этого в этом же блоке заходишь в "Security Acces" и вводишь в поле "Code" 20113 — код безопасности.
3. После этого заходишь в этом же блоке в "Adaptation — 10" и изменяешь значения каналов 63-66, где значение каждого канала выставляешь с 1 до 4.
Значения соответствуют: 01 = Comfort; 02 = Auto (по умолчанию); 03 = Dynamik; 04 = Individual. Каналы: 63 — рулевое управление; 64 — двигатель/коробка; 65 — спортдифференциал (только на 3,2, 3,0д, 3,0т); 66 — регулируемая подвеска.

Внимание! Данная функция меняется кнопкой на машинах с опцией Audi Drive Select. Т.е. владельцы таких машин могут сделать это из салона)
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Эти 3 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо St@vr за сообщение:
mn1982 (21.01.2014), pitstop71 (21.02.2014), raqli dawidov (21.01.2014)
Старый 23.01.2014, 12:43   #50 (permalink)
Участник тусовки
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Откуда: ЯНАО, Надым
Авто: Skoda Superb
По умолчанию

Доброго уважаемые форумчане! Сталкивался в процессе кодирования с проблемой устаревших блоков. Я знаю что можно кодирнуть на новый модельный год, что дает расширенные возможности. Для примера так чтобы понятно было. Например блоки до 12 модельного года не поддерживают функцию "место в баке", а вот с 12 модельного поддерживают, программно перешивается блок и все начинает фурычить))))) Так же как и блоки 12 года не поддерживают некоторые функции 13 года, такие важные как датчик давления 2 поколения.
В общем к чему я. Подскажите плз... алгоритм перекодирования.... Заранее благодарен
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