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Старый 21.10.2020, 08:25   #1935 (permalink)
Аватар для Juan7
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Откуда: U.S.A
Авто: Jeep Wrangler, GMC Yukon
По умолчанию

Firmware: J-Link V10 compiled Apr 16 2020 17:17:24
Hardware version: V10.10
S/N: 260106173


Если это он NEW 1PC J-link v10 J LINK J-LINK V10.1 emulator writer STM32
shipment fast, manufactured well, but it is a crap - be careful it may kill yours mcu! In eclipce openocd console i was see VTarget = 4.963 V (my MCU are definitly 3.3V powered), measuring target`s side voltage (for example on pin8 of SN74LVC2T45) - 4.33V, but it must be about 3.3V here! it looks like usb 5v - some diode's drop and it is very likely schematic bug.

it looks like manufacturing bug, I was able to fix it by changing resistors in input divider from 10k:10k to 10k:4.7k (form pin 1 jtag connector, need little higher, but it safe at least) and from 10k:3.8k to 10k:10K in feedback lmv358. now VTarget = 3.199 V and target`s side voltage 3.22V (while mcu voltage 3.31V)

V6.64a WORKING Full review: The device arrives as an ARM DAP but can be flashed to a JLink with the software provided by the seller (you must ask it via message) running on Windows only. Once it has been flashed to JLink it can be updated to the latest version of Segger firmware. I have tested it with V6.64a and it worked perfectly on both Windows and Linux. I was told by the seller it should be possible to update it to any future release without issues. I haven't tried, but it might be possible to save the device changing it back to DAP (short TCK and RTCK pins) and then again to a JLink, in case it will be "bricked" by a future update with anti-piracy features. Attached copy of the file given to me by the seller: drive -dot- google -dot- com/file/d/1hseLhICru13x5yrMjDwo07drG49-JbYU/view?usp=sharing


Возможно можно upgrade to v11 без проблем
"Updated to V11 version without problems. With cube IDE works without problems"
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