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Старый 14.09.2020, 03:20   #1900 (permalink)
Аватар для Juan7
Регистрация: 21.12.2013
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Откуда: U.S.A
Авто: Jeep Wrangler, GMC Yukon
По умолчанию

На моей плате стоит 14.7456 MHZ кварц что дает
ISP Baudrate .vs. External Crystal Frequency 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200 230400


DPA5 : J2 точка выхода с ноги 57 net2272 это LCLKO сигнал
Local Clock Output. This pin is a buffered clock output from the internal
PLL, with the frequency depending on the state of the Local Clock Output
field in the LOCCTL configuration register. This pin stops oscillating as
soon as the NET2272 is put into suspend mode, and is not driven while the
device is suspended. When the internal oscillator is started, LCLKO is
prevented from being driven for 2 msec. LCLKO doesn’t oscillate while
the chip is in the power-down mode.
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