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Старый 12.09.2020, 21:09   #1896 (permalink)
Аватар для Juan7
Регистрация: 21.12.2013
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Откуда: U.S.A
Авто: Jeep Wrangler, GMC Yukon
По умолчанию

On-chip bootloader (as of revision 1.64) provides Code Read Protection (CRP) for the
LPC2292/2294 on-chip flash memory. When the CRP is enabled, the JTAG debug port,
external memory boot and ISP commands accessing either the on-chip RAM or flash
memory are disabled. However, the ISP flash erase command can be executed at any
time (no matter whether the CRP is on or off). Removal of CRP is achieved by erasure of
full on-chip user flash. With the CRP off, full access to the chip via the JTAG and/or ISP is

Последний раз редактировалось Juan7; 12.09.2020 в 21:10..
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