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Старый 14.06.2020, 21:08   #4 (permalink)
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I need help for my 2012 Audi Q7 4,2v8 TDI CCFC engine(allready chipped) and Aisin AL1000 8-speed transmission tuning.
The transmission is changes speedes very slowly and in town 60km/h it uses in "D"-mode 5.-speed but I think the 4.-speed maybe could be better.
Please help tune my Aisin AL1000 transmission 0C8927750AA

Hello ! According to your automatic transmission, it’s impossible to switch faster because you have to endure blows when switching. We can shift the speed of switching. The car will more confidently follow the gas pedal. If interested, you can contact in private messages.

And for fine tuning we need to see what has been done in the motor unit software

Последний раз редактировалось melkon; 14.06.2020 в 21:13..
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