Сообщение от vnl64t
А где ж 5.0 или 5.1? 
А что из обновлений в Dolphin'е интересного?
Calterm is to address below DCR, New product support, New features:
§ Product support
§ Contain PMD: Version
§ New product ids: BNH, BNI, BNJ, TST
§ New Features supported:
§ CSH (Calterm Scripting Host)
§ Added separate MSNR options to CSH
§ DTC 2-byte, 3-byte Pcode, SPN/FMI
§ CalCompare in raw values
§ Export the list of supported products to Excel
§ Perform Cal Compare and Document with the already opened Data source
§ Monitoring fault status change capability
§ Monitoring the public data only capability
§ Current Feature Improvement:
§ Improve the auto-reconnect performance
§ Improve SPEED download performance
§ 3D/2D graphical view, Product information window, Assembler, Reflash, Unlock windows
§ Calculated Parameter to the graphical screen
§ Component security (PCL cloak build)
§ Datatype in Parameter property window
§ Scaling enumeration value length to the editor column width
§ Displaying Calterm title and license type in the status bar
§ Avoid manual update dataplate file for the new product ids added
§ CSV and CDFX overlay issues
§ Significant DCRs
§ 3045963 Adding ActivityLog Trace to Calterm for logging Calterm activities
§ 3732862 Investigate commented code in Calterm from when PCL was introduced
§ 3721499 Alternative Option for Faster SPEED Download
§ 3853858 Information on the connected product is lost upon selecting a new product ID in Calterm
§ 3461588 Block parameters being exported incorrectly in m-files
§ 3883285 improve Calterm graphical screen
§ 3784512 Add support for 64 bit parameter in Calterm
§ 3259574 VERIFY report should show Full path & File name of Assembled cal
§ 3961434 Calterm 4 CLI subfile overlay failure
§ 4017627 User reported CRPS connection parameters are not in F1 window
§ 4037174 Calterm5 Matlab export file header doesn’t show filter file name and displays that the export file is created by Calterm III
§ 4021372 Plot for table parameters should appropriately scale data.
§ 4054695 Change Calterm4 to Calterm in Update Manager.
§ 3992672 When ignoring range limits would still like to be notified when they are being ignored
§ 4032269 UI improvement in Calibration Reflash Smart Devices and Cummins ECM
§ 4061507 Fault Window should auto hide(If user had un-pinned the window) when switched from Offline connection to Online connection Tab
§ 4082892 Add error message when Calterm license is detected with no product ids
§ 4087274 Graphical view - display min/max range for all parameters in plot
§ 4092051 ASAM Server does not send streaming data in correct order
§ 4086719 Adding Fault Status Monitoring functionality to Fault Window
§ 4086833 Run Location in Product Information window not updating after executing Run from Development, Default and RomBoot commands
§ 4061576 Calibration Tuning Service CLI Console should allow redirection of Standard Input and Output
§ 4061835 Please make all digits of the Part Number fields on SPEED upload window selectable for copy/pasting
§ 4082943 Cannot delete the added product ID details in Manual Module Connection
§ 4061833 Please make each field of the "Product Information" bar copyable
§ 4061804 Allow Calterm 5 window size to be reduced to 50% or less of the screen width
§ 4002292 Modify use of hash algorithm in Tuning and ASAMServer
§ 4013012 Overlay Report No Longer Contains Unique Number
§ 3995557 When performing an overlay, the previously selected filter file cannot be seen, even when clicking in the field
§ 3972512 Read DTC faults as per the user selection
§ 3964399 improve the prepare subfiles for speed upload feature
§ 3963479 Add VCD and No_VCD option for CDFX file in tool option
§ 3691790 Please provide the ability to add calculated parameters to graphical screen
§ 3673756 Hide separate entries for axis parameters on Document report
§ 3365261 UN-STRUCTURED ASSEMBLY - give indication when assembly has completed on Pop-up (as pop-up now stays visiable even after assembly completed)
§ 3265992 Parameter enumeration drop down menu does not scale with column width
§ 4108899 Allow Calterm to connect just public broadcast datasource
§ 4129329 Modify Calterm title and status bar to display Calterm license type and protected status
§ 4083705 "Source Address is not correct" in HTML format Log file
§ 4084261 Calterm generate empty log file when Monitoring is stopped
§ 3607304 Remove Query Run Location option from Connection preferences
§ 4155432 Display DataType on Parameter Property Window as a String Instead of an Integer
§ 4144359 Calterm allows user to monitor an array by an index past the end of the array
§ 4160018 User not selected the secure download feature in field Calterm license still able to do the reflash in the secured module in Calterm v5.0.1.009
§ 4160087 User have not selected Unlock feature in Engineering Calterm license still able to Unlock the ECM in Calterm v5.0.1.009
§ 4161145 Assemble fails to read dataplate field _OEM_Vehicle_Or_Equipment_Model for some products
§ 4161149 Make it so Dataplate45.xml does not need to be updated whenever there are new products
§ 4165701 Monitoring performance issue with 2350A module after keycycle
§ 4131063 Separate ECM MSNR/Tool MSNR/Application MSNR
§ 4128989 Need to add the MSNR info in calterm v5 help document
§ 4187725 Model Name dataplate field throws error during structured assemble for IND product
§ 4163626 Calterm 5 can not find 1 character parameter name in the F1 search window like Calterm 3
§ 4152958 Add Calterm Tool version to Range Limit report (Follow on from Change Request: 3078757)
§ 4194670 Calculated parameter update is not reflecting the changes in the monitoring screen
§ 4202658 Not able to see detail information after double click on the any event in the ASAM connection -> Connection log in Calterm v5
§ 4201615 Need to add tab "Clear all Events" in the ASAM connection -> Connection Log
§ 4213903 Allow users to select calibrations open in editor when performing document or compare
§ 4214514 Need to add <msnr_config_id>xxxxxxxxx</msnr_config_id> to the heade of the uploaded cal
§ 4213913 SaveDatalinkSetting option is not highlighted when we change Datalink setting name
§ 4211172 Calterm doesn’t provide the ability to overlay cdfx file
§ 4230900 Allow Users to Export Information on Products to Excel
§ 4074783 Calibration Download-UI improvement in Calibration Reflash Smart Devices and Cummins ECM
§ 4206127 SPEED Download performance update issues
§ 4155430 Auto Start option in Calterm not working
§ 4128933 Assemble failed for product id IND for particular user requirement
§ 4270084 Calterm 5 Gets "Input string was not in a correct format" Exception When Overlaying The Value of C_Gateway_DeviceInfo_Tbl
§ 4208485 Calterm 5 overlay issue
§ 4284492 Parameter values in Editor screen empty after overlay
§ 4284831 Calterm 5.1 systerm test phase build 34 cannot autoreconnect when the connection between pc-dl adapter or adapter-ecm got disconnected. It is only working with keyswitch on/off
§ 4285825 X, Y Coordinates are not refreshed in the graph of table parameters
§ 4284508 fail to open existing calibration after a save as
§ 4284507 Overlay fails to save destination file the first time
§ 4280660 Overlay fails when performed with a recently created calibration using the Save As functionality
§ 4266298 Parameter C_Gateway_DeviceInfo_Tbl Cannot overlayed in Calterm5
§ 4291612 Please make all digits of the Part Number fields on SPEED upload window selectable for copy/pasting
§ 4302214 CalDivide causes subsequent opening of divided calibration in editor window to fail
§ 4302698 Overlay fails to show target values in range limit portion of overlay report
§ 4302929 Calterm opens olds calibration screen file even if new cal files are opened
§ 4299637 Issue with cdfx and csv overlays
§ 4114008 Calterm Hex Level Compare
§ 3995426 Add support for P-CODE (J2012) in Calterm
§ 4188628 ASAM3 feature is missing from Protected Catlerm license on CTAS site
§ 3935611 Develop the Calibration Upload feature as a library component
§ 4319103 Width of Columns resizing to minimum in Extended Fault Code Window
§ 4251555 Add support for DTCFormatID "UDS_SAE_J2012_DA_DTCFormat_04" in Calterm
§ 4325942 Calterm III display unit as empty, Calterm 5 display as NONE. Need to display as Calterm III
Сообщение от vnl64t
А где ж 5.0 или 5.1? 
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