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Старый 21.01.2014, 14:23   #47 (permalink)
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Откуда: Москва
Авто: Ford Fiesta
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Skoda Octavia III
Type 5E
Year 2013 –

1- Display of battery status in on-board computer
In-board computer or in the multifunction display of the instrument cluster you have the option of the Seat Leon 5F to display the status of the battery.

The following procedure shall be used:

1. Press the trip odometer button / Trip button (0.0 / SET button) and hold
2. Release the button when the display battery status lights
3. Battery indicator is displayed

2-Passenger-side mirror lowering when reversing

In the front passenger door control unit, you have the option of the Skoda Octavia III 5E to activate the passenger-side mirror lowering. Thus is lowered automatically when reverse gear is selected and the mirror on the passenger side mirror of the passenger side.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 52 (Türelektr. Beifahr.)
2. STG Long Coding -> Function 07
3. Byte 04
4. Enable Bit 2
5. Enable Bit 3

6. Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
7. STG access authorization -> Function 16
8. Enter Unlock Code 31347
9. STG adjustment -> function 10
10. Choose (15) Access control 2 level reduction at Rueckwaertsfahrt
11. Set value to active (active) additionally possible: Hide menu item in Radio-/Navigationssystem, so you are even able in the future to enable the feature on or off
12. Choose (20) Access control 2-menu control drawdown
13. Set value to active (active)

3 -Turn on sharing the wake of the windows when opening the door

The onboard supply control unit, you have the option in the new Skoda Octavia III 5E to activate the release of the trailing windows when opening the doors. If you leave the vehicle and activate the automatic operation of the windows, this is no longer interrupted when opening the doors and the windows closed or opened accordingly.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
2. STG access authorization -> Function 16
3. Enter access code 31347
4. STG adjustment -> function 10
5. Choose (13) Access Control 2 released follow-FH cancel at Tueroeffnen
6. Value set to inactive default: active

4- Disable seatbelt warning

The dash panel insert (KI) you have the option of the Skoda Octavia III 5E to disable the seatbelt warning. The visual warning symbol in the instrument cluster as well as the acoustic sound is thus turned off.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 17 (dash panel insert)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Select Disable channel belt warning
4. change to "yes" (default value: no) alternatively also possible:

5- Adaptation of the tailgate

In the tailgate control unit, you have the option of the Skoda Octavia III 5E recode the tailgate, so these are just a short push of a button will close automatically, thus no longer needs to be pressed and held down key. On this page you will also find additional setting of the tailgate control.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 6D (tailgate)
2. STG access authorization -> Function 16
3. 12345: code
4. STG adjustment -> function 10
5. Control by switch for Heckklappenfernentriegelung - touch function when closing
6. set to inactive
7. Control by push-button for tailgate opening remote control key - touch function when closing
8. set to inactive
9. Control by switch for Heckklappenfernentriegelung - Tip function when closing
10. rely on active
11. Control by push-button for tailgate opening remote control key - Tip function when closing
12. rely on active

Another possible settings / codes of the tailgate:

• Open for a detected trailer

here you have the possibility to drive the tailgate future as well / use despite bandaged trailer

• Pitch of the audible warning

here, you can adjust the pitch (frequency). Select this end, appropriate adjustment channel and adjust the frequency. Standard Pursuant to 680 HZ are deposited

• Speed threshold for vehicle drives

you have the option to adjust the speed threshold at which the opening / closing of the tailgate is possible here. By default 10 km / h is defined, it can be arbitrarily set up.

• Warning when closing with button in the interior or radio key

here you have the option to disable the warning when closing the tailgate. Thus, no more annoying gepiepe.

• Warning when opening with button in the interior or radio key

here you have the option to disable the warning when opening the tailgate. Thus, no more annoying gepiepe.

• Connect with FFB, stop when you leave the immediate area

here you have the possibility to delay the closing via FFB when leaving the immediate area and thus an annoying early end to change the closing.

6- Displays the fan speed in AUTO mode, the air conditioning

In the climate control unit, you have the option of the Skoda Octavia III 5E to enable the display of fan speed in AUTO mode. Once activated, the current fan speed thus is shown in AUTO mode using the LED display. (By default, the LED indicator is displayed only when manually setting the fan speed)

The following coding is used:

1. STG £ 08 (Air)
2. STG Long Coding -> Function 07
3. Byte 11
4. Bit 6 - Enable Blower Status Display in AUTO mode active

7- Activation of the LED license plate illumination

The onboard supply control unit, you have the option of the Skoda Octavia unlock III 5E retrofit LED license plate lights. Thus, no error message will appear more in the instrument cluster (dash panel insert).

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
2. STG access authorization -> Function 16
3. Enter Unlock Code 31347
4. STG adjustment -> function 10
5. (1) Select-Leuchte25KZL HA59 load type 25
6. Adapt general LED - value at 43
7. (6) Leuchte25KZL HA59-dimming AB 25 Select
8. Adjust Value to 127

8- Activate the rain closing

The onboard supply control unit, you have the option of the Skoda Octavia III 5E to activate the function of the rain closure. The windows and the panoramic roof are In verbautem rain sensor thus with closed vehicle and activated rain sensor automatically closes. The operation mode can be enabled or disabled as in the CAR menu when the acc entry is activated.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
2. STG access authorization -> Function 16
3. Enter Unlock Code 31347
4. STG adjustment -> function 10
5. (14) select access control 2-rain Close
6. Adjust value to permanently
7. (26) Access Control 2 Control menu select Rain Close
8. Adjust Value on active
9. Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
10. Select RLS (rain and light sensor) - STG
11. Byte 0
12. Enable bit 1
13. Enable Bit 2

9- Activation of the parking light to the rear lights (LED) daytime running lights

The onboard supply control unit, you have the option in the new Skoda Octavia III 5E mitzuschalten the tail lights as parking lights with active (LED) daytime running lights. If the daytime running lights in brightness of the headlights on, the tail lights are switched on thus additionally.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
2. STG access authorization -> Function 16
3. Enter access code 31347
4. STG adjustment -> function 10
5. Channel (6) - daytime running lights - daytime running lights activated additionally select still light
6. Put emphasis on active

Alternatively possible unless you want to only mitleuchten the taillights and not want the parking light is also active (therefore no labeling of the active state of the light at the light switch)

1. Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
2. STG access authorization -> Function 16
3. Enter access code 31347
4. STG adjustment -> function 10
5. Select Leuchte23SL HLC10 light function D23 - channel (9)
6. Put value on daytime running lights
7. Select Leuchte24SL HRA65 light function D24 - channel (9)
8. Put value on daytime running lights
9. Select Leuchte26NSL LA72-light function D26 - channel (9)
10. Put value on daytime running lights
11. Select Leuchte27NSL RC6-light function D27 - channel (9)
12. Put value on daytime running lights

10- Deactivation of the message / tone with ignition on

The dash panel insert (KI) you have the option of the Skoda Octavia III 5E to disable the message with ignition on. Thus, we disabled the annoying tone when the ignition and driver's door open.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 17 (dash panel insert)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Ignition active message; trigger
4. change to "No display" (default value: driver's door)
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