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Старый 21.01.2014, 14:22   #46 (permalink)
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Откуда: Москва
Авто: Ford Fiesta
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Audi A3 (8V)
Built starting in 2012

1- Adjusting the speed thresholds for activating the Abbiegelichtes fog lamps

The onboard supply control unit, you have the option of the Audi A3 8V the speed thresholds for the turn of the Abbiegelichtes on the fog lights (NSW) adapt. Unless you have the Abbieglicht activated, you can adjust the speed according to your values still want. In the standard, the cornering up to 32 km / h is enabled unless you can modify the entries Equivalent thus eg to 50 km / h effected the activation.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
2. STG access authorization -> Function 16
3. Enter Unlock Code 31347
4. STG adjustment -> function 10
5. Channel (3) select static cornering light lower speed threshold
6. Value corresponding to customize default value: 0 km / h Note: If the value statement, the Abbieglicht is thus disabled and driven only from the acc set speed in stand
7. Channel (4) select static cornering light upper speed threshold
8. Value adjust accordingly default value: 32 km / h Note: works well up to a maximum of 60 km / h (built-up areas) because otherwise Equivalent steering on the road, the cornering light is activated

2- Activation / activation of ambient lighting

The onboard supply control unit, you have the option 8V unlock the ambient lighting in the new Audi A3. If you have upgraded this, you can enable the display of the MMI with the following coding steps.

The following coding is used:
1. Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
2. STG Long Coding -> Function 07
3. Byte 17
4. Bit 3 Enable - Enable Ambientebelechtung in the MMI
5. Bit 2 Enable - Ambientebleuchtung All Zones - Front - Footwell
6. Bit 1 Enable - Ambientebleuchtung door lighting

3- Adaptation of the dynamic start-off

The control unit of the electronic brake system you have the option of the Audi A3 8V adapt a Start. The approach can thus be adjusted accordingly.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 03 (Brakes Electronics)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Select Dynamic pull
4. worth adapt accordingly (default value: quick)

4 -Passenger-side mirror lowering when reversing

In the front passenger door control unit, you have the option of the Audi A3 8V to activate the passenger-side mirror lowering. Thus is lowered automatically when reverse gear is selected and the mirror on the passenger side mirror of the passenger side.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 52 (Türelektr. Beifahr.)
2. STG Long Coding -> Function 07
3. Byte 04
4. Enable Bit 2
5. Enable Bit 3

5- Adaptation of Hill Start Assistant

The control unit of the electronic brake system you have the option the Audi A3 8V adapt the hill-start assistant. Thus, you can customize the approach behavior accordingly.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 03 (Brakes Electronics)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Select Berganfahrassistent
4. worth adjust accordingly (default: normal)

6- Enable / disable the Eject Lock CD / DVD drive

The control unit of the electronic information you have the option of the Audi A3 8V to enable or disable the Eject Lock CD / DVD drive. If your car from a rental pool (car rental, rental cars) come, it may happen that the Auswurfsspere was not removed. This can therefore be undone.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 5F (Information Electronics)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Select channel CD eject button or eject lock.
4. Activate Channel - Eject Lock actively
block / disable value - Eject Lock inactive

7- Adaptation of the threshold for display of the distance to the curb

In the parking aid control unit, you can adjust the Audi A3 8V, the threshold for the indication of the distance to the curb. Should you be of the opinion that the last display level is too high or too close to the curb or obstacle indicates / signals a, this can be altered accordingly.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 10 (parking aid 2)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Select distance to the curb
4. Adjust value accordingly (default value: 15 cm)

8- Deactivation activation tone of the parking aid

In the parking aid control unit you have the option of the Audi A3 8V the activation tone to disable the loading of the reverse gear or when activating the parking aid on the relevant operator button in the center console.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 10 (parking aid 2)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Select activation tone for parking aid
4. Adjust value to off (Default value: on)

9- Adjustment of the requirement for lowering the audio

In the parking aid control unit you have the option the Audi A3 8V to turn off the requirement for audio reduction. Thus, in the reverse gear insert the volume in the MMI is not reduced.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 10 (parking aid 2)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Select Request Audio lowering
4. worth adapt to no (default: yes)

10- Activated via the MMI - Visual representation of the parking aid (Audi Parking System APS)

In the parking aid control unit you have the option of the Audi A3 8V unlock the visual display of the parking aid via the MMI, even if only the 'small' parking aid is installed for the rear.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 10 (parking aid)
2. STG access permission - select function 16
3. Enter access code 71679
4. STG coding -> Select Function 07
5. Select byte 2
6. Bit 0 - visual representation parking sensors - activate

11- Disable seatbelt warning indicator in the instrument cluster

The dash panel insert (KI) you have the option of the Audi A3 8V to disable the seatbelt warning. Optical and acoustic display in the instrument cluster turns itself off.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 17 (dash panel insert)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Select disable seatbelt warning
4. change to "yes" (default value: no)

also possible
1. Select STG 17 (dash panel insert)
2. STG Long Coding -> Function 07
3. Byte 0
4. Disable Bit 2

12- Adaptation shutdown threshold for the visual display of the parking aid

In the parking aid control unit you have the option the Audi A3 8V adjust the cut-off threshold of the optical display for parking aid. Depending on the set speed, the optical display / presentation in the MMI are thus lengthened or shortened.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 10 (parking aid 2)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Select shutdown for parking aid
4. worth adjust accordingly (default value: 10 km / h)

13- Adaptation of the turn signal cycle

In the central electrical system you have the option the Audi A3 8V adjust the Zylkus the comfort blinker. Range 1-5 possible (ie between 1x or 5x flash per tap)

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
2. STG access authorization -> Function 16
3. Enter access code 31347
4. STG adjustment -> function 10
5. Channel (2) Select Turn signal control convenience turn signal flasher cycles
6. Adjust value corresponding to - Possible value range: 1-5 Default: 3 (3x flash)

13- Adjustment of speed threshold of the static cornering light (cornering)

The onboard supply control unit you have the possibility to adapt the new Audi A3 8V the speed threshold of the static cornering light (cornering). If you like this favor at higher speeds as well, this can be adjusted accordingly.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
2. STG access authorization -> Function 16
3. Enter access code 31347
4. STG adjustment -> function 10
5. Channel (4) - select static cornering light upper speed threshold
6. Value as desired to adjust default value: 32 km / h

14- Activation of the lap timer / lap counter in the FIS

The dash panel insert, you can the Audi A3 8V known as lap timer and lap counter in the FIS (Driver Information System) to activate. They are therefore to use the function of the lap counter able, in addition, the oil temperature gauge in the FIS is enabled.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 17 (switchboard)
2. STG Long Coding -> Function 07
3. Byte 1
4. Enable Bit 3

15- Adjusting the microphone sensitivity

In the navigation controller, you can adjust the microphone sensitivity in the new Audi A3 8V. If you are of your interlocutor poorly understood, you can use the following instruction to adjust the sensitivity of the microphone so as to enable better voice quality.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 5F (infotainment)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Select Mikrofonempfindlichtkeit (Microphone sensitivity)
4. worth adapt accordingly

16- Display the oil temperature gauge in the FIS laptimer

The dash panel insert, you can the Audi A3 8V the oil temperature gauge in the FIS to activate (driver information system). It will be displayed under the new menu item lap timer in the instrument cluster.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 17 (switchboard)
2. STG Long Coding -> Function 07
3. Byte 1
4. Enable Bit 3

17- Activation of the switching recommendation in the FIS

The dash panel insert, you can the Audi A3 8V the switching recommendation in the FIS (Driver Information System) to unlock. Thus, a necessary gear change is displayed accordingly to support a fuel-saving driving style.

The following coding is used:

1. Select STG 17 (switchboard)
2. STG Long Coding -> Function 07
3. Byte 1
4. Enable Bit 5

18- Adjustment of the seat heater withdrawal thresholds

In the climate control unit, you have the option of the Audi A3 8V adapt the withdrawal thresholds of the seat heater. By default this is reduced to the threshold 2 after 10 minutes with activated threshold 3. Especially for our female rider / passenger interior, this is almost unacceptable for acc temperatures! In order to avoid this, the automated redemption to be adjusted.

The following coding is used:

1. STG £ 08 (Air)
2. STG adjustment -> function 10
3. Select time until heated seats redemption level 3 to level 2
4. Value adjust accordingly value 0 corresponds to deactivate the function -> thus no automatic return (default: 10 minutes) Should it be desired, contrary to the above assumption to connect with activated level 2 automatically after appropriate period of time at level 1, this can be via the following adaptation be done:
5. STG £ 08 (Air)
6. STG adjustment -> function 10
7. Select time until heated seats redemption level 2 to level 1
8. Adjust value accordingly (Default: 0 minutes)
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