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Старый 21.01.2014, 14:22   #45 (permalink)
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VW Golf 7

1- Display of battery status in on-board computer

In-board computer or in the multifunction display of the instrument cluster you have the option of the Seat Leon 5F to display the status of the battery.

The following procedure shall be used:

Press the trip odometer button / Trip button (0.0 / SET button) and hold
Release the button when the display battery status lights
Battery indicator is displayed

2- Passenger-side mirror lowering when reversing

In the front passenger door control unit, you have the option with the VW Golf 7 to activate the passenger-side mirror lowering. Thus is lowered automatically when reverse gear is selected and the mirror on the passenger side mirror of the passenger side.

The following coding is used:

Select STG 52 (Türelektr. Beifahr.)
STG Long Coding -> Function 07
Byte 04
Enable Bit 2
Enable Bit 3

3- Automatic activation of CH / LH function

The onboard supply control unit, you have the option with the VW Golf 7 Coming Home (CH) and Leaving Home (LH) switch function so that it is enabled automatically, without having to turn off the light switch.

The following coding is used:
Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
STG access authorization -> Function 16
Enter Unlock Code 31347
STG adjustment -> function 10

(1) Comfort Lighting Coming Home Select Verbaustatus
Value to automatically adjust default: manual

4- Activation of the LED license plate illumination

The onboard supply control unit, you can unlock the VW Golf 7 retrofit LED license plate lights. Thus, no error message will appear more in the instrument cluster (dash panel insert).

The following coding is used:

- Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
- STG access authorization -> Function 16
- Enter Unlock Code 31347
- STG adjustment -> function 10
- (1) Select-Leuchte25KZL HA59 load type 25
- Adapt general LED - value at 43
- (6) Leuchte25KZL HA59-dimming AB 25 Select
Adjust Value to 127

5- Activate the rain closing

The onboard supply control unit, you have the option with the VW Golf 7 to activate the function of the rain closure. Still open window In verbautem rain sensor so when it rains eventually closed.

The following coding is used:

Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
STG access authorization -> Function 16
Enter Unlock Code 31347
STG adjustment -> function 10
(14) select access control 2-Regenschließen_art
Adjust value to permanently
(15) select access control 2-Regenschließen_art
Adjust Value on active
Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
Select RLS (rain and light sensor) - STG
Bye 1
Enable Bit 2

6- Adaptation of the lane departure intensity of steering assistance, steering wheel vibration intensity, deactivation threshold driver activity

In the VW Golf 7, you can adjust the lane departure warning. If for you, for example, the Active Lane Assistant off too soon, you can change with the adaptation of the disable threshold driver activity behavior and extend or shorten acc.

The following coding is used:

Adjust intensity of steering wheel vibration

Select STG A5 (Camera)
STG access authorization -> Function 16
Enter Unlock Code 20103
STG adjustment -> function 10
Select channel intensity steering wheel vibration
Value adjust accordingly default: medium options: early, middle, late

Deactivation threshold of driver activity adapt
Select STG A5 (Camera)
STG access authorization -> Function 16
Enter Unlock Code 20103
STG adjustment -> function 10
Select channel deactivation threshold driver activity
Value adjust accordingly default: medium options: early, middle, late

Adjust intensity steering wheel support
Select STG A5 (Camera)
STG access authorization -> Function 16
Enter Unlock Code 20103
STG adjustment -> function 10
Select channel intensity steering wheel support
Value adjust accordingly default: medium options: early, middle, late

7 - Delayed response of headlamp cleaning system for the front washer

The onboard supply control unit, you have the option with the VW Golf 7 to extend the delay time for Anpsrechen the headlamp cleaning system. Thus, the front headlamp washing is later driven and thus saved mop water.

The following coding is used:

Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
STG access authorization -> Function 16
Enter Unlock Code 31347
STG adjustment -> function 10
(2) Select windshield wiper SRA delay time
Adjust value corresponding to desired default value: 0 ms Example value: 1500 ms

8 - Adjustment of the interval of the headlamp cleaning system (SWRA)

The onboard supply control unit, you have the option of the new VW Golf 7 to adapt the control of headlamp cleaning system. Depending on the desired value, future less often driven this (thus saving in the consumption of the fountain solution), or more often if the headlights are often too dirty (thus more consumption in the mop water). Also, the washing time can be adjusted accordingly. Here, too, therefore, the amount of the fountain solution consumed is reduced or increased.

The following coding is used:

Select STG 09 (vehicle power)
STG access authorization -> Function 16
Enter access code 31347
STG adjustment -> function 10
Channel (1) - Select Number of operations front windshield wipers wash per SRA activation
Adjust value corresponding

Channel (3) - Select windscreen wipers SRA washing time
Adjust value corresponding
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Pitstop (22.01.2014), raqli dawidov (21.01.2014)