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Старый 21.01.2014, 14:21   #44 (permalink)
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Откуда: Москва
Авто: Ford Fiesta
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Еще по кодировкам VAG информация - скопировано у зарубежных коллег:

1- Golf 6: Enable closing windows and roof with rain:
Module 09
Conding 7
We found a menu with three options, select option 3 RLS.
Byte 02
Bit 2 (OFF 0, ON 1)
Now, for us, to reveal the "RAIN CLOSING" menu COMFORT FIS
Module 9
Octet 4
We set bits 5 and 6
Bit 5 (to appear in the menu)
Bit 6 (if it is enabled by default)

2- Golf 6: Disable the rear clean sweep:
Module 9
Octet 21
Bit 3

3- Golf 6: Turn the front fog beam:
Module 9
byte 17
Enable Bit 5 (Front fog off with High Beam)

4- Golf 6: Disable permanent xenon:
Xenon headlights for that are no longer permanently on the day
Choose Calculator / Select, Module 09-07 Coding, Coding Long, Byte 11, Bit 2 uncheck. Output, save, exit.

5- Golf 6: Time Leaving Home (Opening):
Unit: Central Conv.
Module: 09 Central Electronics
Function: Function 10.
CHANEL: 002.
Possible values​​: 0 to 120 seconds

6- Golf 6: Rain + Light sensor:
Module 09
Conding 7
We found a menu with three options , select option 3 RLS .
Here is a configuration with 6 digits. By percentage based on natural decimals.
Coding: March 30th AD (default depending on model)
Byte 00: Correction rain sensor
Byte 01: Light Sensor Correction
Byte 02: Correction Light + rain sensor / highway
byte 00
In this, we can modify the rain sensor , which I think works well like that.
Whoever wants to tinker you know ...
byte 01
This can change the light sensor , according to the natural degree on the basis of decimal numbers.
This means that we have a range of 0 % to 100 % in order to correct its sensibilité.Nous 'll have to move the
Dec to hex number .
Example: if you put less sensitive , 40% would change the value "30" for byte 01
value "28" in the table below are percentages . Coding March 28 AD
% = Percentage table HEX
20% = 14/30 = 1E % / 40 % = 28/50 % = 32/60 = 3C % / 70 % = 46/80 % = 50/90 % = 5A
byte 02
Finally, the light sensor + rain / highway . This is different from the previous two. If we do not
low beam to exceed 140 kmh subtract 1 ( ej.03 - 1 ... 02 30AD ) .
Instead, if we want the rain sensor is active when the car is closed , which is
close windows and sunroof when it starts raining , then you must add 4.
Example: 03 + 4 = 07/07 Coding 30AD or if we do not put the low beam to overcome
140km/hya while the rain sensor is active would be 03-01 + 4 = 06/06 30AD Coding
We can also do the following :
Enable / Disable lights autocrossing 140 kmh = 02 byte > Bit 0
Lights Auto Enable / Disable clear Crossing byte = 02> Bit 1
Enable / Disable Auto Close rain windows Byte = 02> Bit 2

7- Golf 6: Synchronizing a new key manually:
- Use the two original keys supplied with the vehicle , ie the one who commands and no.
- Unlock the car lock the driver's door with the key free of charge.
- Turn the ignition key without remote control.
- Lock the vehicle with the remote lock the driver's door .
- A maximum of 30 seconds, you must do the following :
- Press once on the lock button on the remote control , the indicators flash .
- Press once on the unlock button on the remote control for more than 2 seconds.
- The key is set and the vehicle is unlocked , which confirms synchronization.
By pressing the unlock button several times beyond the reach of the remote control, you can
do not occur
can open or close the car with the remote. Again be synchronized with the remote key
distance .
To do this, it is necessary that the control has been placed in the sprat do before,
Indeed, when the
ignition control buttons does not work, it is best to encode the order before
mounting sprat . for
prove that it works is necessary to remove the ignition key

8- Golf 6: Enable the hidden RNS-510 menu:
Module 37 (Navigation)
Channel 50 (this value to 0 will be changed to 1) Save
Once completed, you must restart the radio (Press simultaneously, rewind and Info)
Setting Hold for 15-20 seconds. On and after that appear on the screen: Setup Menu 1 / Radio Service 2nd / 3rd hidden menu

9- Golf 6: Activate the rain sensor and automatic headlights:
Unit: Bordnetz (on board) 3C0 937 049 E
Module: 09 Centr. Electr.
Byte: 00
Bit 6
Rain / Light Sensor installed

10- Golf 6: Power folding mirrors, while the ignition is off and the door open:
To finally be able to electrically folding mirrors while (as usual) you have turned off the ignition and open the driver's door.
choose calculator
Select Module 09,
Long coding,
Byte 4,
Bit 7 box,
uncheck Bit 4.

11 - Golf 6: Scanning needles to start the car:
17 Instrument
- Adaptation
- Staging

12- Golf 6: Activation of hazard warning lights under heavy braking:
Module 09
Byte: 17
Bit: 0.
Brake Ligh active emergency flash

13- Golf 6: Turn off the lights with brake:
Module 9
Octet 11
Bit 0

14- Golf 5 (1K): Closing the windows with a single pulse:
To close the windows with the remote NOT stay down until the windows are completely closed.
[09 - Power Station] -> [Coding-07] -> [Long Coding Assistant]
Byte 6:
Bit 6: Check "Comfort Function automatic Closing"
Pulse 3 seconds on the closing button on the remote will initially lock the doors and then close the windows without needing to keep pressing the button until the complete closure

15- Golf 5 (1K): Automatic lights in the rain:
Can automatically turn on the lights when it rains and automatic ignition windshield wipers is triggered.
[09 - Power Station] -> [Coding-07] -> [RLS 2] (in the dropdown) -> [Long Coding Assistant]
Byte 0:
Bit 1: Select "Rain Light Function active"

16- Sirocco: Automatic closing of windows and pano roof on a click
To simplify closing the windows and sunroof remotely via the key (because most often the operation stops at full speed and c is very annoying)
He must equipped with the vag-com, visit the module 46 says "controller"
-then go to 07 called "coding"
- Click on "long coding"
and finally click on the bit 6 in order to finish by checking the box 6.
And support two seconds is enough to close all the windows and roof of the vehicle without having to hold down until complete closure on the remote!!

17- Sirocco: Enable GPS navigation mode rises in 2nd:
- Start VCDS application and click "Select"
- Click on "19-CAN Gateway"
- Click on "Installation List"
- Check the "37 - Navigation"

18- Sirocco: Enabling cornering lights

Reminder: this is a system that lights the fog on the side where you turn if the lights are on and if it is less than 40 or 50 km / h.
Open vag-com, then click Select 09 - Central Electric
click Encryption - 07
click "assistant long coding"
This is the most important part.
Line 3 => click in the 15th box, you must be 01 (I'm 81 because I've checked the box).
In Part 4 => tick: Bit 7 cornering light ...
After the top and then click OK to exit this window menu.
A message tells you that the code is accepted.

19- Sirocco: Activation beep locking doors - VW alarm
To get a beep when the doors are closed with the remote control, you must set the bit 1 of octet 5 coding of the power plant (09)

20- Sirocco: Activation and test needles counters start
Enabling Gauge Test/Needle Sweep.
This will sweep the gauge needles through their full range automatically when you start the engine.
[17 - Instruments]
[Coding - 07]
[Long Coding Helper]
Click on each of the Byte numbers in step 3) and you'll see the selectable options below.
Check the box for "Gauge Test/Needle Sweep active"
[Do It!]

21-Audi A8 (4E): Replacement Battery
This procedure explains how to replace a battery in a vehicle using a battery module separate management control . See separate models where the battery pack management control is a slave / subsystem gateway instructions.
The following procedure assumes that you use a battery purchased from VW / Audi, all the details necessary for the following steps may be found on the battery itself . Be sure to consult the factory service manual to complete any additional prerequisites.
[61 - Rules of the battery ]
[ Coding - 07]
Use the drop down to select the battery ( slave) listed as # 1 menu.
[ Coding Battery ]
-Enter the new drum part (10 or 11 digits) .
-Enter the new serial number of the battery (10 digits).
-Select the new Supplier battery.
[ Do it !]
[Close Controller , Go Back - 06]
Your new battery should now be encoded and the control module of the battery must be aware of the new battery.
Note: The 10-digit serial number may be preceded by the code of the supplier of the battery, for example VA0 Varta . If the code is VA0310314E04G then remove the VA0 and simply enter 310314E04G . Sometimes sticker battery part number can cover up the white sticker with the serial number.

22- Audi Q7 (4L): Electronic Brake
special procedures
Steering angle sensor ( G85 )
Start the vehicle .
Turn the steering wheel one turn to the right and a left turn .
Drive straight short distance on a flat surface at a speed not exceeding 20 km / h .
If the steering wheel is straight during the test drive then stop the vehicle with the right wheels.
Ensure that the steering wheel is not moved again.
Keep the engine running and do not switch off the ignition .
System voltage at least 12.0 V
[ 03 - Brake Electronics ]
[Security Access - 16]
Enter 40168 , to enable adjustment of base .
[ Do it !]
[ Basic Settings - 04]
060 group
[ Go!]
Enable the basic setting .
[ON / OFF / Next]
After a successful database creation , field 2 should say "OK " .
[Done , Go Back]
To ensure that the basic setting was successful , check the sensor again .
[ Measuring Blocks - 08]
group 004
[ Go!]
Check box 1 value must be between -1.5 and +1.5 ° .
[Done , Go Back]
[Close Controller , Go Back - 06]
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Daniel'23 (20.02.2017), Pitstop (22.01.2014), raqli dawidov (21.01.2014), St@vr (23.01.2014)