18.11.2019, 00:00
#73 (permalink)
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Not really so...
1.remove ODIS-E (9.2.2)
2.clean the "tails" (ODIS-E)
3. set the (NEW) correct "system variables" for ODIS-S
4. from what I see ODIS-E 11.0.0 does not create its own variables, as it was in the case of ODIS-E 9.x.x and "<" therefore it is necessary to set new variables for ODIS-S
5.install ODIS-E 11.0.0
...otherwise, you have to remove ODIS-E and ODIS-S, then install ODIS-E 11.0.0 (full with postsetup and projects), then ODIS-S again Для просмотра ссылок или изображений в данном разделе, у Вас должно быть не менее 15 сообщение(ий). Сейчас у Вас 0 сообщение(ий).
if ODIS-S was installed on the computer as first and then ODIS-E, the above steps are not necessary, because after removing the "old" ODIS-E and installing the new one.... ODIS-S should start as normal, ODIS-E 11.0.0 does not overwrite "system variables" and has a different directory structure for MCD_SERVER
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