Тема: Calterm 4.7
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изменения от 4.0 до 4.7
Calterm® 4 version 4.0.1
Calterm 4 v4.0.1 Release
This release is an update to Calterm 4 version 4.0 and replaces Calterm III and CaltermX.
New Product Support:
All products supported in PMD version
Can't save screen file after saving calibration file using "Save As"
1670308: Send Operation does not pop up during test on truck
1675448: Calterm4 doesn`t display individual elements of arrays in indexed format
1687165: Install: Replace C++ custom action with InstallScript
1688687: Overlay not behaving correctly for array parameters with hex values

Calterm 4 v4.0.2 Release
This release is an update to Calterm 4 version 4.0 and replaces Calterm III and CaltermX.
New Product Support:
All products supported in PMD version
1743651: Calterm4 - Overlay report contains "Unrecognized source parameter" is not clear
1743656: Calterm4 CalCompare report is different from the one from Calterm 3
1710893: Calterm4 display wrong value for the arrays
1710897: Calterm4.0 shows the exception during overlay
1702003: Calterm4 overlaid xcal rom boots ECM; HEX tables converted to Decimal (Calterm 3 works fine)
1735072: Overlay behaves incorrectly for enumeration type parameters
1735086: Enumeration type parameters display incorrect value in Editor after modifying
1737495: Calterm 4 Compare report does not display some parameter differences
1768336: Calterm4-Cannot perform overlay with the enumeration values from the export file as the source
1784326: Enumeration paramters in exports throw exception when clicked on in Editor window
1770851: CaltermCLI Export hangs
1807585: Calterm4 does not refresh inactive faults
1770828: Calterm4-Eng. Calterm for can write to the secured module

Calterm 4 v4.1.0 Release
This release is an update to Calterm 4 version and replaces Calterm III, CaltermX and previous Calterm 4.0 releases
New Features:
New Unlock Tool UI
UI Improvements for Assembler, Calibration divide, SPEED download, SPEED upload
Improve Calibration download UI
Improve Auto reconnect
1172750 RangeLimitCheck Plugin does not work with CaltermX
1795246 PCLWrapper to support UNICODE strings
1846563 Table parameters do not reread when parameter is closed and re-openened
1870325 RFC cannot download to the secured modules even with field engineering tool family
1898754 CBF Conversion issues in Calterm 4
1835307 RFC Fails to Download BCK product with error BootLoader version incompatible
1960766 Calterm 4 not compatible with CM3230 ECM (multiple issues reported)
2027520 CVN Calculation Calterm Integration
1873993 Use .Net API for zip/unzip speed file instead of thirdparty library
1718772 Limit number of product folders by license
1921139 Save As functionality in Calterm does not correctly overwrite existing cal file if the same name is supplied
1955102 Reflash control hangs after failing to read a calibration file
2002005 Unable to create cbf file if config file is in a read only directory
2001689 Unable to display the fault information in the fault window popup and when we hover over the faults

Calterm 4 v4.1.2 Release
This release is an update to Calterm 4 versions 4.0 and 4.1, and replaces Calterm III and CaltermX.
This build uses the latest PCLWrapper version and the latest PMD version
Change Requests Fixed:
2053334 Calterm4 issue during communication with NI CRPS
2089527 Need to be able to download various Product IDs to a module
2116541 Change Calterm UI to avoid dependency on the windows font size
2149331 Add support for address parameter in IDL logging.
2197514 Add support for resume capability for overlay to ECM in case of auto reconnect
2228397 Calterm fail to unlock the module under romboot secured mode
Defects Fixed:
1989874 Calterm shows failed to download calibration, but in actually calibration has been downloaded
2067856 Calterm4- Calibration Compare Inconsistencies
2089524 Unable to unlock CM2670 modules using Calterm 4
2111553 Tool unlock issue and calibration download failure on Calterm 4.1
2111596 Calterm 4 IDL logging with Key On mode is not working
2128869 Unable to download to CM2670 with Calterm 4
2146939 Error attempting while connecting module (ECM)
2150498 Calterm4 failed to download calibration
2153560 Not able to launch Calterm 4 successfully with protected license
2153895 Calterm 4 does not display return data from operation correctly
2153988 Unlock doesn't set 2350B to 1DOA
2168029 CaltermCLI Import functionality does not work
2168545 Calterm 4: ECM_Status displayed incorrectly in RomBoot mode
2203347 Recurring session access exception in Calterm when keyswitch in OFF position
2203356 IDL does not start on KeyOn mode
2210300 Calterm 4 cannot perform toggle security for gtis4 if ECM is in romboot mode
2230935 Product BJJ throws exception when attempting to do a structured assemble
2273266 Calterm 4 appends old extension onto cal file when doing a save as
2158509 Calterm4/CM3230- ByteSwap Issues When ECM3230 is in RomBoot

Calterm 4 v4.1.3 Release
This release is an update to Calterm 4 versions 4.0 and 4.1, and replaces Calterm III and CaltermX.
This build uses the latest PCLWrapper version and the latest PMD version
Change Requests and Defects Fixed:
2394778: Calterm IV Compare Report - How Tables are display with Missing Axes
2398753: Subfile Compare Report- Calterm 4
2405543: Change Table refresh hotkey from F3 to F6
1682737: F1 wiindows stays after closing calibration source.
2110731: Calterm4- Lower logging capabilities experienced with Calterm4-
2147052: Calterm4 displays empty tables for array parameter in Hex/Binary
2217679: Calterm 4 Calibration upload window incorrectly sized for multi-module systems
2286230: Remove messagebox for invalid ecms during detection and log error in event log instead
2296788: Calterm freezes when opening calibration after keyswitch off with module
2327906: Calterm CLI Assemble not working
2328002: Log file doesn't have all parameters in the screen.
2328040: Calterm monitoring grays out when a string parameter is added to screen for bcx module
2342370: Calterm 4 is taking very long time (>120seconds) to start logging the screens
2353723: Enforce Range Limits and Clip to Range Limits Tools Options is broken on Calterm 4
2393118: Calterm 4 will not allow subfiles to be moved or renamed until the tool is closed.
2393126: EDM Ver 2 was not being supported correctly by Calterm 4
2393128: SPEED Download cancel issue
2395960: need to use detected product id for RFC instead of selected in Catlerm 4
2398013: PFCWrapper should set timeout and retry values based on protocol
2402515: Calterm 4 screen files do not include the xml header
2405542: IDL Logging does not log with correct logging rate
2280731: Calterm 4 is not swapping bytes for modules with Intel byteorder in export files
2217679: Calterm 4 Calibration upload window incorrectly sized for multi-module systems

Calterm 4 v4.2.0 Release
This release is an update to Calterm 4 versions 4.0 and 4.1, and replaces Calterm III.
This build uses the latest PCLWrapper version and the latest PMD version
Change Requests and Defects Fixed (highlights):
1526295: Functionality of using parameters from different source addresses in Calculated parameter Function
2154397: Improve Calibration Upload feature
2210701: Missing parameters in calibration compare report of Calterm 4 as compared to Calterm 3
2213119: CT4 does not display Product Information Window and does not connect for reflash when ECM does not provide product ID
1931565: Compare report display wrong for dataplate parameter
2089137: Unable to open files at network location in Calterm 4, even when Calterm III was able to
2112450: Calterm 4 crashes when attempting to start logging all screens at once
2268331: Calterm cannot auto-reconnect after losing the connection in the test cell environment
2412942: Calterm 4 cannot perform IDL logging while in EDM monitoring mode
2432564: CLI Assemble (structured) not working with input text file containing ECM information
2443425: Calterm 4. Calibration Upload does not work correctly for multi-module
2483315: Cal divide failure on Calterm4 for IND
2492337: Cannot modify the value for address type parameters
2501445: Calterm 4 fails when attempting to launch assembly wizard

Calterm 4 v4.2.1 Release
This release is an update to Calterm 4 versions 4.0, 4.1, and 4.2, and replaces Calterm III.
This build uses the latest PCLWrapper version and the latest PMD version
Change Requests and Defects Fixed (highlights):
2517457: Check the PFC code to make sure it is handling disconnected connection correctly
1544217 Calterm 4 is unable to set array and table values for export files while viewing in Hex or Binary
2584769 Calterm 4 displays empty datalink dropdown lists for Reflash Cummins ECM tool

Calterm 4 v4.3.0 Release
Calterm is a Windows-based software tool that provides ability for Cummins engineers to perform calibration development, tuning, testing & reflash of Cummins ECU
in the engineering environment. Calterm also provides support for industry standard protocols (XCP/UDS) to communicate with non-Cummins ECMs and smart devices.
Product support
All engines products available in the PMD 2.1.8: BKR, BIA/BIB, BLN, BLO, BLP, BLQ, BLR
New Features:
Tuning - Integrated Calibration Development
Calibration Tuning Widget
CBF File Converter
Calibration History Download
New Calterm License (Calterm 4.3 and later)
Confirm Tool Address
Multi Datalink Channel support
SendOperation (New UI + adding sendOperation by ID)
CalCompare and CalDocument (New UI)
CRC Validation - AutoDetect file type
UnlockTool - Making windows resizable, details on the eventlog
Combining CaltermCLI.exe into Calterm.exe

Calterm 4 v4.3.1 Release
Calterm is a Windows-based software tool that provides ability for Cummins engineers to perform
calibration development, tuning, testing & reflash of Cummins ECU in the engineering environment.
Calterm also provides support for industry standard protocols (XCP/UDS) to communicate with
non-Cummins ECMs and smart devices.
Product support
All engines products available in the PMD 2.1.8: BKR, BIA/BIB, BLN, BLO, BLP, BLQ, BLR
New Features:
Tuning - Integrated Calibration Development
Calibration Tuning Widget
CBF File Converter
Calibration History Download
New Calterm License (Calterm 4.3 and later)
SendOperation (New UI + adding sendOperation by ID)
CalCompare and CalDocument (New UI)
CRC Validation - AutoDetect file type
UnlockTool - Making windows resizable, details on the eventlog
Combining CaltermCLI.exe into Calterm.exe

Calterm 4 v4.4.0 Release
Calterm is a Windows-based software tool that provides ability for Cummins engineers to perform
calibration development, tuning, testing & reflash of Cummins ECU in the engineering environment.
Calterm also provides support for industry standard protocols (XCP/UDS) to communicate with
non-Cummins ECMs and smart devices.
Product support:
All engines products available in the PMD 2.1.10
New Features:
Tuning - Integrated Calibration Development
Accept, Tuning, Resubmit tuned data for approval
DTC - UDS fault code
MultiCompare UI component
Parameter Search (F1/F5)

Calterm® 4 version 4.5
New Product support: BLU, BLV, BLW, BLX, BLY, BLZ
CFR Product Support: BKU, BLS, BLT
New Features:
ICD Vision work:
Accept or Reject Tuning
Provide the link for using tuning widgets
Provide the link for tuning guides
Upload download evidences
Run "Rule Development Environment" Checks
Ability to upload and download evidence from integrity
XCP Write
Calibration Download CLI
UDS - Fault code Mapping

Calterm® 4 version 4.6
New Product support: BMD, BMF, BMG, BMH, BMI
New Features:
ICD Vision work:
Adding an ability to compare tuning values and tuning value ranges across programs and mainlines in the tabular and graphical views
Adding an ability from the integrator and sub-feature owner levels to enforce or by pass of using tuning widget for tuning
Adding an ability to communicate with the other tuners and with the feature developers via skype messenger and outlook
Adding an ability to send the reminders to the other tuners and ability to remind the due date of the tuning tasks
Adding an ability to add tip and tricks for the tuning features to help other tuners
Adding an ability to show the status of the submitted tuned features
Adding an ability to perform the automatic update the tuning assignment when Cummins network is available or by defined schedule
Full XCP Write feature
Calibration Upload with defined custom blocks to support the ECM warrantee work
HexEditor: Improve UI to be able to retrieve multiple hex blocks and writing blocks of the hex data to a file
FaultMonitor: New fault screen to show all the fault information in the same time.

Calterm® 4 version 4.7
New Product support
Contain PMD 2.2.1
New product ids: BMA, BMJ, BMK, BML, BMM, BMN, BMO, BMQ, BMR
Speed Support for products: BLM, BMA
New Features:
Engine support
UI improvements:
Product selection
Event Log
Fault screen
Display related axis parameter names
Graphical view and edit for 1D, 2D and 3D parameters
New Features:
Parameter drag and drop from F1 /F5 windows
Offline reports
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