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Старый 31.07.2019, 23:22   #4871 (permalink)
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Откуда: Marseille
Авто: GOLF 7
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Hello Florian13, hello France!
I answered you everything in detail, but I will try to answer with more details...

Do you understand the difference between Hardware version and Software (Part) number/Software version? You can not change HW!
In two photos control units has HW=5Q0907572G and SW=5Q0907561G.

Under the link below there is evidence of the existence of a control unit with HW=SW=5Q0907572G
[Только для зарегистрированных...]
Software number: 5Q0907572G
Software version: 0571
Hardware number: 5Q0907572G
Hardware version: H10

So you can try to flash via file FL_5Q0907572G_0571_S in an attachment.. Experiment at your own risk and after upgrade probably will need a calibration of adaptive cruise control system. And one more thing - if in the control unit is so-called parameter block, then it can "fly off" after upgrade. So think more than once before upgrading.
Now we can put a big fat point in this tough question.
Bro, thank you for your answer, actually I have the radar of the 2nd photo, and I thought that the "HW" could be changed, I did not know, so you advise me not touched? But in reality with your 2 photos we see the differences of the 2 sensors but what changes between the two? What is there more or less

Последний раз редактировалось Florian13; 31.07.2019 в 23:25..
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