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Старый 31.01.2019, 13:03   #1048 (permalink)
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Откуда: Киев
Авто: Audi A4 B9
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It would be helpful I guess, as I don't have no other lead, thank you.

I bought a MIB2High from ////.co.uk for retrofitting it into my 2014 A3(with MIB1High) that I believed was an unmodified one. But it appears to be a hacked one, as I get no response with VCDS when trying to connect to it, all the FECs on the unit are for a 4m Q7, and I get no message about Comp. Protection on FIS or MMI screen. The firmware, part number(8v1035035) and startup screen are still for an A3/S3. Unfortunately the seller doesn't have any additional info about it, as it is from a breaker yard, but it did confirm it was from a prefacelift A3/S3.

I want to connect to it through Telnet to enable Green Menu, to see if I can enable unit's diagnostics from there.: idea: as I need to change the sound output from the MOST optical connector to the analog output. I'm still waiting for my Carplay USB connectors and I need to order the Dlink DUB E100 ethernet adapter, so I can't try the password right away, but I want to be prepared for when they arrive.

4M0 906 961 BQ EU/ROW MHI2ER5089 8GB 1326 MHI2_ER_AU37x_P5089
hash password MU 1326 fNlvE6lQlHu/U
I suppose you can upgrade to firmware 1326 and then you will have telnet pass but it is also needed to decrypt hash password, you can ask on hashkiller forum for it.
Also I suppose that P3620 - it is production firmware and it doesn't have sd with part number.
I know only 2 SD for A3 MIB2 high with EU firmware:
4M0 906 961 BL EU/ROW MHI2ERP4203
4M0 906 961 BQ EU/ROW MHI2ER5089
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Сказал Спасибо sergey307 за это сообщение:
t_quattro (31.01.2019)