12 MOTOR This warning is signalled if the sensor of the right motor is opened (digital
- identify the connector J1 on the wiring diagram (J7 on I/O card):
- If between the positive pin (1) and negative pin (2) there is 5V = the
sensor is open
- If between the positive pin (1) and negative pin (2) there is 0V = the
sensor is closed
If it occurs when the motor is cold, check:
a: the sensor is closed
b: between the positive pin (1) and negative pin (2) of the connector J1 (J7
on I/O card) there is 0V
- if "a" and "b" conditions take place replace the logic unit.
- 5V must be present on the positive pin (1) and negative pin (2) in the I/O
card connector J7 (with the wiring diagram J1 connector disconnected).
In the opposite case, replace the I/O card.
3 LOGIC FAILURE #3 Logic defect. Replace the traction unit.
73 ENCODER ERROR Encoder failure.
This alarm indicates that the encoder information is not correct or is not
The encoder transmits signals only when the motor is running. The alarm is
detected by the logics when it exceeds 20Hz.
Therefore, if an error signal appears on the dashboard and the operator
uses the reset key with the machine stopped, the alarm disappears -
however, it remains stored in the logic.
If the alarm signal starts before reaching 20Hz, the problem can be
attributed to a possible wrong insulation of a power cable on the frame.
Without the encoder’s correct signals, the machine remains still or moves
very slowly. To determine whether the problem is to be attributed to the
encoder or to the logic, proceed as follows.
Set the SLIP CONTROL on OFF and speed up slowly.
Please note that the engine speed increase does not necessarily mean that
the problem is linked to the encoder. Any of the following components may
have a fault:
- The logic internal circuit
- The encoder
- The wiring
You may use a digital or analogue multimeter to determine where the
problem is located.
Speed sensor basic electric diagram.
The figure shows only one signal (A).
The used encoders have two equal signals, with a
phase difference of 90°(A-B).
1. Connect the multimeter positive point (red) to
the encoder positive terminal.
2. Connect the multimeter COM point (black)
to the encoder signal (A).
According to the engine position, the following
values will be displayed:
low signal: 0.5-1.5 Volt
high signal: 10.5-11.5 Volt
Intermediate values cannot be read as the motor
is stopped.
If the motor is running, the multimeter will
automatically read the Mv (medium value)
Mv= 5.5-6.5 Volt.
Carrying out this test directly on the logic
connector, you can determine if the signals are
good (see above-mentioned description) or if the
channels are open or in short circuit.
If the signals are good, the problem should be
attributed to the electronic control.
In the contrary case repeat the test directly on the
encoder connector. If the problem persists,
replace the encoder.
47 WAITING Time lag fault on the CAN BUS communication. The Lifting logic unit
FOR NODE detects which logic unit has generated the problem.
#4 The Lifting logic unit receives the informations coming from the Slave
logic unit with a time lag fault.
The fault can be caused by
- interference on the can bus. Check the CAN-BUS communication.
- false contact. Check the connections of CAN H and CAN L wires.
- broken logic. Replace the traction logic unit.
#3 The Lifting logic unit receives the informations coming from the Master
logic unit with a time lag fault.
The fault can be caused by
- interference on the can bus. Check the CAN-BUS communication.
- false contact. Check the connections of CAN H and CAN L wires.
- broken logic. Replace the traction logic unit.
#9 The Lifting logic unit receives the informations coming from the
Mhyrio logic unit with a time lag fault.
The fault can be caused by
- interference on the CAN-BUS. Check the CAN-BUS communication.
- false contact. Check the connections of CAN H and CAN L wires.
- broken logic. Replace the Mhyrio logic unit.