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Старый 11.11.2013, 13:26   #12 (permalink)
Аватар для Витюха
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Откуда: Москва и область
Авто: трахтор
По умолчанию

Meaning: The job couldn't be found in the ECU description file.
Causes: The job is missing in the description file, or the
description file is wrong.
Error correction: Check if the desired job exists in the description file.
The program BESTINFO (contained in the RUNTIME
SYSTEM) can be used to list all job names:
bestinfo <Name of the description file with path and
Also check exactly if the job is spelled correct.
If the desired job does not exist in the description file,
extend the description file by the job.
Без проблем смотрел на е39 вебасто.
На 1 ошибку забей, по второй - проверяй прг и ипо файлы, подкинь другие...версия едиабас какая?
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