Тема: CUMMINS Cummins Calterm III
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Старый 17.07.2017, 21:07   #1804 (permalink)
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Авто: Jeep Wrangler, GMC Yukon
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Сообщение от Андрей_Л Посмотреть сообщение
Здравствуйте! Подскажите, где можно найти описание CPL?

This Critical Parts List (CPL) Manual is a listing of basic parts and timing specifications which are necessary to produce a given engine performance. By reference to CPL numbers stamped on the engine dataplate, this list can be used to identify parts within an engine. These parts then determine whether a fuel pump calibration is suitable for that engine.

The CPL number is stamped on the engine data (name) plate and is listed with the fuel pump calibration values in the pump calibration manuals for full cross reference of information.

Any of the engine models on the CPL list that can be built with any combination of the engine parts tabulated on that CPL without affecting engine performance or certification requirements. To insure that the correct parts are used for a specific application, cross check the CPL content with the Original Engine Parts list for the engine configuration.

The aneroid or AFC listed on the CPL might not be on your engine, depending upon its application. Check the fuel pump code of the original engine parts list for this item.

The fuel pump code(s) apply to a specific CPL or engine model. A fuel pump code and CPL cross reference is in the fuel pump calibration index. Do not intermix fuel pump codes and engine models or CPL's. Check the fuel pump dataplate to make sure it corresponds to the correct engine model.

The injection timing charts and specifications are included for a quick reference check, use your engine shop manual for further information on injection timing. The nominal push rod travel is given in parentheses.
Тип файла: zip CPL.zip (288.9 Кб, 142 просмотров)

Последний раз редактировалось Juan7; 17.07.2017 в 21:13..
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Андрей_Л (18.07.2017)