схемы ,распиновки на блок сертификации и всм не у кого не завалялось случайно? заранее спасибо....
Если систему не трогали, то м.б. достаточно выполнения "ECU Communication ID Registration, SST at DLC3" (Register the G Code for the ID Code Box using the SST at DLC3 (ECU Communication ID Registration)*...
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Сообщение от Toyota Quick Training Guide – QL613A
1. Connect terminals TC and CG of DLC3
2. Turn ignition ON, Engine OFF for 45 minutes.
3. 3. Turn ignition OFF, then disconnect terminals TC and CG.
4. Confirm the engine starts.
Important: DO NOT switch the power mode ON/OFF more than 20 times before completing the G Code registration. Doing so will cause the ECM to lock up and stop communicating, There is no known method to recover a locked ECM.
Toyota Smart Key Cancel процедуру случайно не (с)делали?