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Старый 12.05.2016, 11:05   #614 (permalink)
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вышла версия 6.0.3
new VM and Compression Engine
bugfixing in UP/Downloader (unable to read data from some UDS control units)
new Feature - VIM Manager
VIM Manager can set MMI/MIB1/MIB2 speed limits which are responsible for Video / Menu /Bluetooth pairing / etc functions. Now it will be easier to enable VideoInMotion, instead of manual zdc upload, user will just set up desired speed.

Supported models: MMI 3GP (MLB Platform: A4/A5/A6/Q7/VW Touareg), RMC (Audi A6/A1), MIB1/2 (MQB/MLB Evo Platforms).

Note: Currently VIM Manager can read current speed limits from MIB2 MQB/MLBevo/PQ35 only . Reading from MIB1 (Eg. 1st Discover pro) works with some firmware revisions. When VIM Manager will be unable to read the current values, defaults will be presented instead.

VIM Manager is free for everyone with VIMN addon enabled.
VIM менеджер , я так понял, для тех кто имеет покупной доп по вимам
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