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Старый 13.03.2016, 10:50   #3030 (permalink)
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Откуда: Киргизия Бишкек
Авто: TLC200 4.6
По умолчанию

приведу выдержки

Please note that load indicator on trailer is only possible if the trailer is equipped with EBS that fulfills ISO std 1992-2. On trailers with ABS only, it is not possible to see the weights of the trailer. It is not possible to use the kit from FH/FM Classic which is using pressure sensor signal to ECS control.
Action needed
Trucks with variant LOADIND
Trucks with variant ULOADIND
Install hardware kit for trailer
If a trailer shall be used together with the vehicle the needed hardware according to the accessory information must be installed.
If a trailer shall be used together with the vehicle the needed hardware according to the accessory information must be installed.
Install needed software with the conversion kit
Not needed, software already installed from production.
Run the conversion kit 20455946 in the conversion kit menu in VCADS-Pro.
Program ECS and Cluster
Not needed, software already installed from production.
Program MID 140 (Cluster) and MID150 (ECS).
Calibrate ECS
Not needed.
Calibrate the ECS as it has been reprogrammed.
Set parameters
Set the needed parameters to be able to perform the calibration of the load indicator.
Set the needed parameters to be able to perform the calibration of the load indicator.
Calibrate load indicator
Calibrate the truck unloaded and fully loaded. Use an appropriate weighing device.
Calibrate the truck unloaded and fully loaded. Use an appropriate weighing device.
Check functionality
Check the driver information display that the values correspond to the weighed values.
Check the driver information display that the values correspond to the weighed values.
а теперь для тех кто в танке:
1. нужно прошить 150 и 140 прошивками с функцией датчика индикации нагрузки
2.параметры в 150 и 140
3. калибровка
пысы. должны присутствовать проводка и датчики
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desoto (13.03.2016), Алексей 76 (13.03.2016)