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Старый 27.08.2015, 09:18   #80 (permalink)
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Откуда: Минск
Авто: Touran 2011 1.4TSI 7DSG
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Offboard Diagnostic Information System Service Version 2.2.6

Software update

The version 2.2.6 of the Offboard Diagnostic Information System Service will be available on the central MirrorServer/2 (MS/2) in calendar week 31.

We kindly ask you to install this update as soon as possible. Please be aware that it can take a few days until the local MS/2 is completely synchronized.

The Offboard Diagnostic Information System Service 2.2.6 will be distributed as an Update. If you want to use the update installation, it is necessary to have the following ODIS Version:
•Version 2.2.5


Offboard Diagnostic Information System Service Version 2.2.2

Software update

The version 2.2.2 of the Offboard Diagnostic Information System Service will be available on the central MirrorServer/2 (MS/2) in calendar week 43.

We kindly ask you to install this update as soon as possible. Please be aware that it can take a few days until the local MS/2 is completely synchronized.

The Offboard Diagnostic Information System Service 2.2.2 will be distributed as an Update and as a Single Setup. If you want to use the update installation, it is necessary to have the following ODIS Versions:
•Version 2.1.1
•Version 2.2.0
•Version 2.2.1
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