Вот цитата из лога:
Information at 15:38:51 : StarDiagnose version determined to be V4.
Information at 15:38:51 : Trying to set folder permissions for EWA-Dir: "C:\Programme\ewa".
Information at 15:38:51 : Executing in CMD: cacls C:\Programme\ewa /T /E /G >;L7>20B5;8:F
Information at 15:38:51 : Trying to set folder permissions for WIS-Dir: "C:\Programme\ewa\wisnet".
Information at 15:38:51 : Executing in CMD: cacls C:\Programme\ewa\wisnet /T /E /G >;L7>20B5;8:F
Information at 15:38:51 : Trying to set folder permissions for WIS-TB-Dir: "E:\db\wis\Database WIS\".
Information at 15:38:51 : Executing in CMD: cacls E:\db\wis\Database WIS\ /T /E /G >;L7>20B5;8:F
Warning at 16:44:57 : WIS net installation Step 1: Check media and configuration failed!
Warning at 16:44:57 : WIS net installation Step 2: Delete old WIS database failed!
Warning at 16:44:57 : WIS net installation Step 3: Copy all WIS files to hard disk failed!
Warning at 16:44:57 : WIS net installation Step 4: Install new WIS database failed!
Information at 16:44:57 : Starting action for cancelled installation
Information at 16:44:57 : Registry has changed: false, Database has changed: false
Кракозябры при назначении прав на папки...
P.S. Может быть, мне переименовать группу Пользователи в Users?
P.P.S. Помогло - установка пошла...
Последний раз редактировалось Mig29; 18.04.2013 в 13:42..