Тема: VAG ODIS 2.1.0
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Старый 17.03.2015, 19:35   #288 (permalink)
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Откуда: Germany
Авто: Passat 3c 2xBMP 1xBLR 1xCBAC
По умолчанию

Поставил E 6.2.2 по этой схеме, вроде работает, но только по синезубу.
Балда, или как её там уже была с прошивкой 2.20.23, а другая балда без OKI совсем не видится.
Module Short Name : VendorName='Softing AG' ModuleName='VAS5054' SerialNumber='082145725'
Module Vendor Name : Softing Automotive Electronics GmbH
Module HwName : VAS5054
Module SerialNumber : 82145725
Module FW Name : VeCom
Module FW-Version : 2.20.23
Module FW-Date : 8.9.2014 (Calendar week 36)
Module PDU-API SW Name : Softing D-PDU API for VCIs
Module PDU-API Version : 1.20.23
Module PDU-API SW Date : 8.9.2014 (Calendar week 36)

Install PostSetup.
Set the same as in ODIS-Service.
Only "second run" is not necessary. So long not necessary.
After installing Postsetup program will start and swear at not found on the base en_US.. It's OK. ))
Close program.
Do the following:
Open folder C:\Program Files (x86)\ODIS_Engineering_622\DIDB.
Next, go to the folder "data" and in all the folders with brands
find files that contain the file name en_GB, and rename at en_US.
Next, go to the folder "db" and find files that contain the file name en_GB, and rename at en_US.
Now the program will see the desired database.

The next step.
Folder "DIDB_ENGINEERING" empty.
More precisely, it will be a folder "data", and in the folder "data" empty folder "V".
Next, there are two variants.
First - full copy folder "data" and "db" folder in the "DIDB_ENGINEERING".
But it is - superfluous expenditure of disk space.
The second variant is more preferable.
The second variant is more preferable.
Delete all folders from "DIDB_ENGINEERING".
From the folder "DIDB" make symlinks - of folders "data" and "db" in the folder "DIDB_ENGINEERING".

Installation projects.
Place the folder "Projects" in the root directory disk "C:\".
Menu "Admin" -- "General" -- "Diagnostic Data"
"ODX Update index file 1" - Select "C:\Projets\AU\ODXUpdate.xml"
"ODX Update index file 2" - Select "C:\Projets\VW\ODXUpdate.xml"
"ODX Update index file 3" - Select "C:\Projets\SK\ODXUpdate.xml"
Exit the menu "Admin".
Go to menu "Configuration" -- "ODX Update"
Select all installed projects -- Start.
All projects will be installed.
синезуб выключи и потом от fantomel Меню пользователя fantomel-я сверху стени движок для 5054 там в рар папке на все системе он скинул..должно пойти потом с усб тоже...


тут другая тема мне проекты новые нужны например шаран с 2011 года те которые с 6,2,2 они не полные.. кто может поделиться таким?
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