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Старый 08.03.2015, 11:10   #8 (permalink)
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Сообщение от ApostolRoot Посмотреть сообщение
На данный момент можно сбросить счетчи ТО только при, так называемом, масленом сервисе. Счетчик Испекционного сервиса, сбросить кнопками не получится.
Superb FL

Reset “inspection” display

Vehicles without an information display
– Switch off ignition.
– Switch on the hazard lights by pressing the button -arrow- in
the central console of the dash panel.
– Hold button -2- pressed and at the same time turn on the ig‐
nition until a “wrench” symbol is displayed on the dash panel
insert display:
– Press button -1-.
The “Inspection” display is now reset.

Vehicles with an information display
– Switch off ignition.

– Switch on the hazard lights by pressing the button -arrow- in
the central console of the dash panel.
– Hold button -2- pressed and at the same time turn on the ig‐
nition until the following message is displayed on the dash
panel insert display:
Really reset inspection service?
– Press the option “OK” in the information display to confirm the
The “Inspection” display is now reset.
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