Сообщение от eliseum
а что в каком порядке устанавливать? пока есть только kts 540 и виртуалка с das 2010
на сколько я знаю для нормальной работы нужен xp как минимум.
Сообщение от abozizo
After greeting you all
I have 2 devices one is delphi with latest software 2014 and AVDI both are from china clone and I wonder can I get pass true drivers that allow me to run any application under those devices ??
also I have vas 5054A from china too so is it possible to run different applications like fro BMW LAND ROVER Jaguar Mercedes Benz MB Star and reginold for BMW ISAT/A and B on those drivers that I have ??? or any other applications that works with those devices.
Thank you in advance and waiting for your replies.
: Confused:
через КТС можно vas. хонду. тойота