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CKP PATTERN CLEAR/CKP Pattern Learn Procedure
Enable Criteria
ECT at 80°C (176°F) or higher.
1. Do the CKP PATTERN CLEAR in the CLEAR MENU with the Honda PGM Tester or the HDS with the engine stopped.
2. Turn the ignition switch OFF.
3. Turn the ignition switch ON (II). Wait for 30 seconds.
4. Test-drive the vehicle on a level road and decelerate (with the throttle fully closed) from engine speed of 2, 500 rpm (min-1) to 1, 000 rpm (min-1) with in 2 or D3 position, or the M/T in 2nd or 3rd gear.
5. Stop the vehicle. Do not turn the ignition off.
6. Select the ALL DATA LIST in the DATA LIST MENU of the Honda PGM Tester or the HDS.
7. Check the status of PULSER F/B LEARN. If it is set to NG, the enable criteria was probably not met; repeat the procedure from the beginning.