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По умолчанию DA-ST512 для Land Rover / Jaguar

DA-ST512 для Land Rover / Jaguar

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Не требует подключения к ПК, работает автономно, в том числе и специальные функции, типа SIR, EPBR DPFDR и т.п. For the full list see below
Позволяет работать с JLR SDD как J2534
Работает по протоколам: CAN, ISO9141, SCP

Что это и зачем?

The DA-ST512 connects directly to the vehicle OBDII diagnostic connector, powers from the vehicle and is then ready to use. The DA-ST512 can perform a vast number of applications, a selection of which is provided in the previous table. The full list of available applications to purchase is on the Applications page.

The DA-ST512 can also be used as a SDD VCI device where it connects directly to the vehicle OBDII diagnostic connector, it then connects to the laptop via a USB cable for use with SDD. Once the J2534 DLL files are loaded, this product will allow normal operation with JLR SDD diagnostic software. All protocol communication are possible with this device.

Как DA-ST512 работает?

Общее описание работы:

On first use, register the device to unlock it. This requires the download of the PC DA App Hub application on the Download page. The PC software will allow updates to current applications to the latest level. The PC software will also allow new applications to be purchased and downloaded. The PC software will allow applications to be trialled for a limited number of operations to allow the user to try the application before purchasing.

Работа в качестве J2534 VCI

Download the latest J2534 DLL software files from the Download page and install on the SDD laptop. Connect the device to the vehicle OBDII connector. Connect the USB cable to the DA-ST512 and the SDD laptop. Select the J2534 VCI application on the screen. During communication with the vehicle the screen will display the message “connected” along with the vehicle battery voltage.

Как закачиваются новые апдейты для DA-ST512?

Обновляется через интернет.

The PC software update application is available to download from the Diagnostic Associates website Downloads page. This application identifies what version of software is on the device for each of the purchased applications, and connects over the internet to determine whether a new version is available for update. The device will then be automatically updated and ready to be used on the vehicle in a matter of minutes.

Applications can be trialled for free using the DA App Hub, for a limited number of uses before the application then needs to be purchased – This is our try before you buy service.

The matrix of vehicle and Model Year coverage per application can be found on our website Downloads page within the product user manual

Ну и к нему еще докупаются разное ПО отдельно, типа:
Air Compressor Replacement Application for Land Rover
Brake Bleed Application for Jaguar Land Rover
и прочий бред.
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