Регистрация: 07.09.2008
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Откуда: Москва
Авто: Ford Fiesta
ACSM 3001 GWF_SBR_WARNDAUER Werte = 01 (for 1 second) wert_01 / Werte=5A Comment = duration of the SBR (Seatbelt Reminder) warnings (typically 90s) - 5A HEX = 90 Decimal
ACSM 3000 Ausstattungsflags Gurtzustandsanzeige_Beifahrer_GWF_GZA_BF nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 aktiv / Werte=01 Disable seat belt status display - passenger
ACSM 3000 Ausstattungsflags Gurtzustandsanzeige_Fahrer_GWF_GZA_FA nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 aktiv / Werte=01 Disable seat belt status display - driver
ACSM 3000 Ausstattungsflags SBR_BF_GWF_SBR_BF nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 aktiv / Werte=01 Disable seat belt reminder - passenger
ACSM 3000 Ausstattungsflags SBR_FA_GWF_SBR_FA nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 aktiv / Werte=01 Disable seat belt reminder - driver
ACSM 3000 Ausstattungsflags SPW_BF nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 aktiv / Werte=01 Disable sound on disconnect SB - passenger
ACSM 3000 Ausstattungsflags SPW_FA nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 aktiv / Werte=01 Disable sound on disconnect SB - driver
ACSM 3000 Ausstattungsflags SeatBeltReminder_SBR_Fahrer nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 aktiv / Werte=01 Disable seat belt reminder - passenger
ACSM 3000 Ausstattungsflags SeatBeltReminder_SBR_Beifahrer nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 aktiv / Werte=01 Disable seat belt reminder - driver
ACSM 3000 Ausstattungsflags SBR_PreWarning_Fahrer nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 aktiv / Werte=01 Disable sound on disconnect SB - driver
ACSM 3000 Ausstattungsflags SBR_PreWarning_Beifahrer nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 aktiv / Werte=01 Disable sound on disconnect SB - passenger
ACSM 3000 Ausstattungsflags Initialwarnung_GWF_IW nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 aktiv / Werte=01 Disable initial seatbelt warning
CAS 3000 TC TC_MSA_DEFAULT_OFF aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Turn Auto Start/Stop OFF by default
CAS 3000 TC TC_MSA_MEMORY aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Sets car's Auto Start/Stop function to start in the last used setting (e.g. Off) when the engine is started
CAS 3002 CLM ER_KEYOUT_AUTOVR aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Unlocks doors when engine is stopped (start/stop button is pushed). Allows single pull to open doors.
CAS 3002 CLM OPEN_RSCR_WITH_REMOTE_KEY_SPFN aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Comment = Remote Key opens with a 4th button tailgate or rear window (active)
CAS 3002 CLM REAR_SCREEN_IS_PRIMARY aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Comment = Remote Key opens with 3rd button tailgate or rear window (active)
CAS 3002 CLM REMOTE_KEY_SPECIAL_FCT aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Button 4 (Panic Button).
CAS 3003 FH MASTER KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG_FB aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Closes mirrors + windows + moon roof through Key Fob - Requires ASP_BEIKLAPPEN_BEI_KOMFORTSCHLIESSEN set to aktiv
CAS 3003 FH MASTER KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG_PA aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Closes mirrors + windows + moon roof through Comfort Access - Requires ASP_BEIKLAPPEN_BEI_KOMFORTSCHLIESSEN set to aktiv
CAS 3003 FH_Master KMFRT_OEFF_HINTEN wert_01 / Werte=05 Comfort opening: Delay between front and rear windows - NOT TESTED
CAS 3003 FH_Master KMFRT_OEFF_SHD wert_01 / Werte=23 Comfort opening: Delay between the rear windows and SHD (Moon Roof) - NOT TESTED
CAS 3003 FH_Master KMFRT_SCHL_VORNE wert_01 / Werte=05 Connect Comfort: Delay between front and rear windows- NOT TESTED - Presumed Delay on Close
CAS 3003 FH_Master KOMFORT_SCHL_SHD wert_01 / Werte=23 Connect Comfort: Delay between the front windows and SHD (Moon Roof) - NOT TESTED - Presumed Delay on Close
CAS 3010 HKL_BEDIENUNG USE_FBD4 aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Comment = can be the key 4 the FBD (OP_KEY_BUT_SPFN) used for the opening of the HK. This feature is currently available for F11 and F07.
HU_NBT" 3001 TELEPHONE_PARAMETER INBAND_RINGING aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Kommentar=The telephone ringtone is transferred to the Combox
CMB_MEDIA 3001 TELEPHONE_PARAMETER RINGTONE ring_tone2 / Werte=01 or ring_tone2 / Werte=01 Kommentar=Set the Ring Tone (if no Inband Ringing is set)
CMB_MEDIA 3006 TELEMATIK MY_INFO_SUPPORTED_POIS Increase CIC stored addresses/messages from 25 to 50
FRM 3020 ASP_BEIKLAPPEN_BEI_KOMFORTSCHLIESSEN aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 By itself does nothing, yet if it is not set to aktiv, neither KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG_FB nor KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG_PA will work,
FRM 3020 ASP_BORDSTEINAUTOMATIK_DELTA Werte=5A Werte=3B 2 character hexadecimal value that determines the angle of the passenger side mirror when the car is put into reverse
FRM 3030 FH_TUER_AUF_STOP_MAUT nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 aktiv / Werte=01 stop the operation. This feature disables it. May need to wait for iDrive to reset for activation
FRM 3050 DRL_MODUS drl_s / Werte=03 bottom); 4: TFL_S via separate TFLeuchte; ECE Xenon (rings + bottom); 5: TFL_ECE (North Country Comfort); 6: DRL_S_ohne_SL via separate / drl_s_ohne_sl /
FRM 3050 FLA_AUTO_AKTIV aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Set High Beam Assistant Defaukt to Automatic on
FRM 3050 FLB_INTERMITTIEREND asynchron / Werte=01 synchron / Werte=00 Presumed to work in conjunction with FLB_NSW
FRM 3050 FLB_NSW aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 TESTING
FRM 3050 FOMEHO_FFB_SPFN_TIMESLOT wert_01__400ms / Werte=03 0: no activation of FMH by FFB SPFN possible; 1: 300 ms; 2: 350ms, 3 400ms, 4: 450ms;
FRM 3050 FOMEHO_TIMEOUT wert_01 / Werte=28 FollowMeHome: Activation time - NOT TESTED wert_01__100% /
FRM 3050 HELLIGKEIT_DRL wert_03__54% / wert_01__100% / Werte=64 Daytime Running Light (DRL) Brightness in % - NOT TESTED
FRM 3050 HELLIGKEIT_FL_BIXENON wert_01 / Werte=64 High Beam Brightness in % - NOT TESTED
FRM 3050 NSW_AUS_BEI_FL nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 aktiv / Werte=01 Change to nicht_aktiv to enbale Fog Lights with High Beams / Flashers - Works for Some and not others - Reason Unknown
FRM 3050 WL_FUNKTION_AL nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Welcome Lights - Low Beam Lights - 0 = Off; 1 = Soft (log); 2 = Hard (instant on); 3 = Soft (exp) hard_on / soft_on_LED
FRM 3050 WL_FUNKTION_FL nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Welcome Lights - High Beam - 0 = Off; 1 = Soft (log); 2 = Hard (instant on); 3 = Soft (exp) hard_on / soft_on_LED
FRM 3050 WL_FUNKTION_KZL hard_on / Werte=02 Welcome Lights - License Plate Lights - 0 = Off; 1 = Soft (log); 2 = Hard (instant on); 3 = Soft (exp) hard_on / soft_on_LED
FRM 3050 WL_FUNKTION_NSW nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Welcome Lights - Fog Lights - 0 = Off; 1 = Soft (log); 2 = Hard (instant on); 3 = Soft (exp) hard_on / soft_on_LED
FRM 3050 WL_FUNKTION_POL hard_on / Werte=02 Welcome Lights - Position Lights (Angel Eyes and Front Side LED's) - 0 = Off; 1 = Soft (log); 2 = Hard (instant on); 3 = Soft (exp) hard_on / soft_on_LED
FRM 3050 WL_FUNKTION_SSL hard_on / Werte=02 Welcome Lights - Tail Lights - 0 = Off; 1 = Soft (log); 2 = Hard (instant on); 3 = Soft (exp) hard_on / soft_on_LED
FRM 3050 WL_TIMEOUT wert_01 / Werte=14 Welcome Light: Activation time - NOT TESTED
FRM 3050 ESS_ERSSCHEINUNGSBILD bremslicht blinkend (brake light flashing) flaechenvergroesserung (area enlargement) Brake Force Delay Option
FRM 3050 ESS_ON_VERZ (default for Europe (14 dec) 10 m/s2; default for US (10 dec) 8 m/s2) Brake Force Delay Option - This refers to deceleration speed
FRM 3050 ESS_GESCHW_SCHWELLE (default for Europe Werte=32 (50 dec) default for US Werte=05 (5 dec)) Brake Force Delay Option - This refers to the threshold speed for activation
FRM 3090 AUSG_11_NSW_L_IS_INDICATOR aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Expected Left Fog as Turn signal - No Noticeable Effect
FRM 3090 AUSG_12_NSW_R_IS_INDICATOR aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Expected Right Fog as Turn signal - No Noticeable Effect
HKFM 3010 SCH_FBD aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Button on key fob will be enabled to CLOSE the trunk - Does not work immediately; Allow for some time before it begins to work. Must enable TASTER_FBD
HKFM 3010 SCH_TOEHKI aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Button on driver-side will be enabled to CLOSE the trunk - Does not work immediately; Allow for some time before it begins to work
HKFM 3010 TASTER_FBD aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Use w/ Above
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI CDMM_ES_ALBUM_INFO aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Album-info on / off - No Noticeable Effect - NEEDS ADDITIONAL TESTING
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI COMFORT_OPENING aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 This adds a new option "Comfort Acess" in Settings--->door locks-->Lock Button..Works same as "All Doors" NEEDS ADDITIONAL TESTING
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI DAYDRIVING_LIGHT standard / Werte=02 or standard / Werte=02 tick/untick this option. Useful for countries where DRL is not mandatory.
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI EFF_DYN_SAILING aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Kommentar=Scheunert Bernd EI-42 - No Noticeable Effect
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI EFF_DYN_SPORT_CID aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 even after enabling EFF_DYN_SPORT_UNIT, in which case see KOMBI / 3008 PIA_Einheiten / DREHMOMENT and LEISTUNG for
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI EFF_DYN_SYS_CID aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 "Configure ECO PRO" to the Settings=>Driving mode screen. Since there is no actual ECO PRO Functionality, as it is not part of the MY 2011 Dynamic
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI HELLIGKEIT_AMBILIGHT Adds "Brightness” Slider (-5/+5) on Settings=>Lights Screen. Slider is non-functional Displays B & O sound menu - Removes L7 Surround Checkbox and Adds Bang & Oulfsen Menu to Settings=>Tone Screen with Studio and Expanded
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI HIGH_END_AUDIO_MENUE volle insz kein_menue / Werte=00 Settings - Nonfunctional
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI HUD_DISTANCE_INFO aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Enables Adapative Cruise Control iBrake Distance in HUD
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI HUD_TURNSIGNAL aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 in Settings=>Heads-Up Display to work. Check Box does NOT appear on 2013.
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI L7_SURROUND_CONFIG aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 left) and on (any setting other than full left).
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI LOGIC7_SYMBOL aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Screen.
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI M_DIGITAL_TACHO aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 and with HUD
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI M_DIGITAL_TACHO_EINH aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 NEEDS ADDITIONAL TESTING and with HUD
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI M_KEY_SETTINGS aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 M key settings available - No Noticeable Effect - NEEDS ADDITIONAL TESTING
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI MDRIVE aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 "M dynamic driving syst." checkbox on Settings=>Info Display screen. When checked it completely turns off the dashboard tachometer Efficient
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI MOMENTDISTRIBUTION_MENU aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Adds menu for xDrive Torque Distribution - NOT TESTED
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI NAVI_DEST_EXPORT aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Kommentar=Memorized Point Export feature (via USB) is coded or not (Asia only)
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI NAVI_DEST_IMPORT aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Kommentar=Memorized Point Import feature (via USB) is coded or not (Asia only)
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI NAVI_FUELSTOP_PROPOSAL aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 "You can then select that notice and it will tell you about the stations in the area at that point on your trip.
Active by default on 2013"
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI NAVI_FULL_GUIDINGPOPUP aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Kommentar=(This descibes whether the arrow popups are available in the main map window.)
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI NAVI_MAP_ARROWVIEW aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 views
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI NAVI_MYPOI_EXPORT aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Kommentar=TMyPOI Export feature (via USB) is coded or not (not for Asia)
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI NAVI_MYPOI_IMPORT aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Button=>Map
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI NAVI_RNC_MAINMAP_TEXT permanent / Werte=FF Kommentar=Describes, whether and how long the RNC infotext shall be shown on map 10_sekunden
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI NAVI_ROAD_PREVIEW aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Road preview is possible or not
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI NAVI_ROUTE_RECORD aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Kommentar=Route record features are coded or not
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI NAVI_SPLIT_GUIDINGPOPUP nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 aktiv / Werte=01 Kommentar=(This descibes whether the arrow popups are available in the splitscreen.)
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI NAVI_TRIP_EXPORT aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Kommentar=Trip Export feature (via USB) is coded or not
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI NAVI_TRIP_IMPORT aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Kommentar=Trip Import feature (via USB) is coded or not - "Import trip (USB)" to Navigation=>Stored trips
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI NOTEPAD aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Kommentar=Notepad available - No Noticeable Effect
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI RSE_BRIGHTNESS aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Kommentar=enable RSE brightness - No Noticeable Effect
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI SPEEDLOCK_X_KMH_MAX value = FF (change the Werte value to FF) 3_kmh = 3 or 8_kmh = 8 Disable DVD Speedlock - Part 2
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI SPEEDLOCK_X_KMH_MIN value = FF (change the Werte value to FF) 3_kmh = 3 or 8_kmh = 8 Disable DVD Speedlock - Part 1
VIDEO_HANDBRAKE" nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 aktiv / Werte=01 Video just in combination with handbrake. Use w/ above SPEEDLOCK_X_KMH_MIN and SPEEDLOCK_X_KMH_MAX.
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI ENT_CODEC_OGG aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Enable playback of video files using OGG codec
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI ENT_CODEC_XVID aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Enable playback of video files using XVID codec
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI ENT_CODEC_XVCD aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Enable playback of video files using XVCD codec
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3000 HMI ENT_MC_VIDEO_SUPPORT aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Allows videos to be stored to the internal hard drive
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3001 EXBOX HUD_ACTIVATION aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3001 EXBOX HUD_M aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Adds "M View" check box in HUD Displayed Information screen. Cannot be checked NEEDS ADDITIONAL TESTING
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3001 EXBOX LEGAL_DISCLAIMER_TIME kein_ld ld_mit_timeout Disables iDrive legal disclaimer during iDrive startup. Change the value: ld_mit_timeout --> kein_ld
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3001 EXBOX MACRO_CAM_LEGALDISCLAIMER kein_ld ld_mit_timeout Disables camera legal disclaimer shown on PDC and Sideview
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3001 EXBOX MACRO_NIVICAM_LDISCLAIMER kein_ld ld_mit_timeout Disables camera legal disclaimer shown on Night Vision
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3001 EXBOX PDC_Direction horizontal / Werte=01 vertikal / Werte=00 Togggle PDC display from vertical and horizontal
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3001 EXBOX RDC_SAFETY aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 aka RPA)? If you don't know, are you valve stems metal or rubber? If rubber, you have FTMS, which operates on tire rotaional speed and has no
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3001 EXBOX SPEEDLIMIT_INFO aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 rear-view mirror. The same camera is used for the Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS) Speed Limit Info System (SLIS), and
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3001 EXBOX VIDEO_WATCHDOG_NIGHTVISION aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Kommentar=describes whether the video watchdog is active for nightvision camera- Unknown - No Noticeable Effect
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3001 EXBOX VIDEO_WATCHDOG_REARVIEW aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Kommentar=describes whether the video watchdog is active for rearview camera - Unknown - No Noticeable Effect
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3001 EXBOX VIDEO_WATCHDOG_SIDEVIEW aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Kommentar=whether the video watchdog is active for side view cameras - Unknown - No Noticeable Effect
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3001 EXBOX VIDEO_WATCHDOG_TOPVIEW aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Kommentar=describes whether the video watchdog is active for topview cameras - Unknown - No Noticeable Effect
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3003 TELEFON_TELEMATIK_ONLINE PIM_DRIVING_TEXT_LENGTH up_to_three_lines / up_to_three_lines ???
HU_CIC / HU_NBT 3002 AUDIO_TUNER_TRAFFIC VOL_MAX_ON standard; Werte=64 19 Last volume setting is retained.
IHKA 3000 IHKA_Codierdaten MEMORY_UMLUFT aktiv nicht_aktiv Always Remember Air Recirculating
IHKA 3000 IHKA_Codierdaten OFF_MEMORY aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 A/C to remeber to stay off when you powered it off last time you turn off the car key
JBBF 3050 SeatHeating_Addition... TEMP_LEHNE_STUFE_1_FOND 90 Rear seat temperature, back, setting 1
JBBF 3050 SeatHeating_Addition... TEMP_LEHNE_STUFE_2_FOND 98 Rear seat temperature, back, setting 2
JBBF 3050 SeatHeating_Addition... TEMP_LEHNE_STUFE_3_FOND AA Rear seat temperature, back, setting 3
JBBF 3050 SeatHeating_Addition... TEMP_SITZ_STUFE_1_FOND 90 Rear seat temperature, seat, setting 1
JBBF 3050 SeatHeating_Addition... TEMP_SITZ_STUFE_2_FOND 98 Rear seat temperature, seat, setting 2
JBBF 3050 SeatHeating_Addition... TEMP_SITZ_STUFE_3_FOND AA Rear seat temperature, seat, setting 3
JBBF 3050 SeatHeating_Addition... TEMP_LEHNE_STUFE_1_FRONT 90 92 Front seat temperature, back, setting 1
JBBF 3050 SeatHeating_Addition... TEMP_LEHNE_STUFE_2_FRONT 95 98 Front seat temperature, back, setting 2
JBBF 3050 SeatHeating_Addition... TEMP_LEHNE_STUFE_3_FRONT A2 A6 Front seat temperature, back, setting 3
JBBF 3050 SeatHeating_Addition... TEMP_SITZ_STUFE_1_FRONT 90 92 Front seat temperature, seat, setting 1
JBBF 3050 SeatHeating_Addition... TEMP_SITZ_STUFE_2_FRONT 95 98 Front seat temperature, seat, setting 2
JBBF 3050 SeatHeating_Addition... TEMP_SITZ_STUFE_3_FRONT A2 A6 Front seat temperature, seat, setting 3
JBBF 3070 FH_TUER_AUF_STOP_MAUT nicht_aktiv aktiv Opening doors (REAR) will not interrupt window roll up operation. Normally, if you open a door while the window is automatically rolling up, it will stop the operation. This feature disables it. May need to wait for iDrive to reset for activation
JBBF 3080 CODDT_00_SCAL_DIM_ECR_LIN 39 20 Dim ratio of side-view mirrors based on sensor in rear-view mirror - Max 39, higher number is darker tint
JBBF 3080 CODDT_01_SCAL_DIM_ECR_LIN 39 20 Dim ratio of rear-view mirror based on sensor in rear-view mirror - Max 39, higher number is darker tint
JBBF 3530 RLS RLS_FLC_SCHWELLWERT_SATZ_1 3 Windshield wiper rain sensitivity, position 1, value from 0-15, 15 is most sensitive
JBBF 3530 RLS RLS_FLC_SCHWELLWERT_SATZ_2 7 Windshield wiper rain sensitivity, position 2, value from 0-15, 15 is most sensitive
JBBF 3530 RLS RLS_FLC_SCHWELLWERT_SATZ_3 11 (Hex=0B) Windshield wiper rain sensitivity, position 3, value from 0-15, 15 is most sensitive, values in Hex
KOMBI 3000 Anzeige Konfiguration SPA_SPORT_ENABLE aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 SAT S1 though S7
KOMBI 3000 Anzeige_Konfiguration BC_DIGITAL_V aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 Digital Speed in MPH is a new option in BC
KOMBI 3000 Anzeige_Konfiguration BC_V_KORREKTUR nicht_aktiv aktiv / Werte=01 real speed. Can not find BC_DIGITAL_V_KORREKTUR for correction of digital speed.
KOMBI 3000 Anzeige_Konfiguration BLINKER_HUD_ENABLE aktiv nicht_aktiv Enables Turn Signals in HUD - Use w/ HU_CIC / 3000 HMI/ HUD_TURNSIGNAL
KOMBI 3008 PIA_Einheiten HUD_PIA_BLINKER aktiv nicht_aktiv Enables Turn Signals in HUD -2013 only - use with above, HUD_TURNSIGNAL checkbox does not appear, but this works.
KOMBI 3000 Anzeige_Konfiguration HUD_START_UP_SCREEN_ANZ_ZEIT aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 At the start of the HUD will appear, this screen for encoded time. In 1 s increments. 0s = no display
KOMBI 3000 Anzeige_Konfiguration R_GANG_AKUSTIK_ENABLE aktiv nicht_aktiv Enables the reverse gear gong for Japan - No Noticeable Effect
KOMBI 3000 Anzeige_Konfiguration HUD_ENTERTAINMENT aktiv nicht_aktiv Enables entertainment list in HUD
KOMBI 3000 Anzeige_Konfiguration HUD_TELEFONANRUF_ENABLE aktiv nicht_aktiv Display incoming phone information in HUD
KOMBI 3000 Anzeige_Konfiguration HUD_TELEFONBUCH_ENABLE aktiv nicht_aktiv Display recent phone information in HUD - press phone button
KOMBI 3000 Anzeige_Konfiguration HUD_SPRACHEINGABE_ENABLE aktiv nicht_aktiv Display voice command conformation information in HUD
KOMBI 3000 Anzeige_Konfiguration HINTERGRUND_FARBE_TAG grau ornage subtle orange lines at the bottom during the day. 2013 Default is grey
KOMBI 3001 Anzeige_Konfiguration HINTERGRUND_FARBE_NACHT orange or grau grau subtle orange lines at the bottom during the night.
KOMBI 3003 FZG_Ausstattung SPA_ENABLE aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 maximum fuel efficency. NEEDS TO BE TESTED W/ 6MT AND ECO PRO MODE
KOMBI 3003 FZG_Ausstattung SPEED_LIMIT aktiv / Werte=01 nicht_aktiv / Werte=00 mirror. The same camera is used for the Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS) Speed Limit Info System (SLIS), and the
KOMBI 3008 PIA_Einheiten DREHMOMENT Nm / lb_ft / kgm Nm Force Sport Displays units in ft lb. - 0 - default 1 - Nm 2 - lb-ft 3 - kgm 4-15 Reserve
PDC 3009 D_SCHWELLE_1 max distance in meters to disable top camera view - Change to Werte = FF / Werte = 14 or Werte = 32
PDC 3009 D_SCHWELLE_2 max distance in meters to disable rear camera view - Change to Werte = FF / Werte = 14 or Werte = 0A
PDC 3009 V_SCHWELLE_1 max speed to disable top camera view - Change to Werte = FF / Werte = 14 or Werte = 24
PDC 3009 V_SCHWELLE_2 max speed to disable rear camera view - Change to Werte = FF / Werte = 14 or Werte = 0F
TRSVC 3000 SV_Activate_Speed_Limit initwert / Werte=0F Comment = Maximum speed at which side view may be activated. If any zero speed may be used. - Side View cameras to stay on all the time
TRSVC 3000 SV_Deactivate_Speed initwert / Werte=0F "Comment = speed above which side view will be automatically deactivated.
If zero no deactivation. - Side View cameras to stay on all the time (except reversing) - Part 2"
SM [6d] 3000 SM_GLOBAL SA_MEMORY_ZEIT Wert_15 / Werte=01 or Wert_15 / Werte=01 0: (no wake) 0 minutes;