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Старый 29.11.2014, 01:37   #2 (permalink)
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Откуда: Москва
Авто: Ford Fiesta
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Тоже самое, только в более удобном виде, есть в приложенных файлах (см. выше):

Model Module Subsection Function New value Default Description
F10/F11 HKFM 3010 HKL_BEDIENUNG SCH_TOEHKI active = 01 not active = 00 Button on driver-side will be enabled to CLOSE the trunk
F10/F11 HKFM 3010 HKL_BEDIENUNG SCH_FBD aktiv nicht_aktiv Button on key fob will be enabled to CLOSE the trunk
F10/F11 HKFM 3010 HKL_BEDIENUNG TASTER_FBD aktiv nicht_aktiv Button on key fob will be enabled to CLOSE the trunk

F10/F11 KOMBI 3000 Anzeige_Konfiguration BC_DIGITAL_V active = 01 not active = 00 Digital tacho is a new option in BC
KOMBI 3000 Anzeige HUD_START_UP_SCREEN_ANZ_ZEIT At the start of the HUD will appear, this screen for encoded time. In 1 s increments. 0s = no display

F10/F11 HU_CIC 3000 HMI SPEEDLOCK_X_KMH_MIN value = FF 3_kmh = 3 or 8_kmh = 8 Disable DVD Speedlock - Part 1
F10/F11 HU_CIC 3000 HMI SPEEDLOCK_X_KMH_MAX value = FF 3_kmh = 3 or 8_kmh = 8 Disable DVD Speedlock - Part 2
F10/F11 HU_CIC 3000 HMI VIDEO_NUR_MIT_HANDBREMSE not active = 00 active = 01 Video just in combination with handbrake
F10/F11 HU_CIC 3000 HMI NAVI_FUELSTOP_PROPOSAL aktiv nicht_aktiv Go to "Route Information" on iDrive when you're going somewhere and it will tell you at what point(s) along your journey you'll likely need to fill up. You can then select that notice and it will tell you about the stations in the area at that point on your trip.
HU_CIC 3000 HMI L7_SURROUND_CONFIG Replaces "Surround" on/off checkbox with "L7 Surround" Slider (-5/+5) on Settings=>Tone screen
HU_CIC 3000 HMI HUD_TURNSIGNAL Turn indicator in the HUD
HU_CIC 3000 HMI HUD_DISTANCE_INFO I presume this is iBrake Distance for Active Cruise Control

F10/F11 HU_CIC 3001 EXBOX LEGAL_DISCLAIMER_TIME kein_ld ld_mit_timeout Disables iDrive legal disclaimer during iDrive startup. Change the value: ld_mit_timeout --> kein_ld
HU_CIC 3001 EXBOX MACRO_CAM_LEGALDISCLAIMER kein_id Disable legal disclaimer on PDC and Sideview Cameras
F10/F11 HU_CIC 3001 EXBOX MACRO_NIVICAM_LDISCLAIMER kein_id Disable legal disclaimer on Night Vision Camera

F11 ACSM 3000 Ausstattungsflags SBR_FA_GWF_SBR_FA not active = 00 active = 01 disable seat belt reminder - driver
F11 ACSM 3000 Ausstattungsflags SBR_BF_GWF_SBR_BF not active = 00 active = 01 disable seat belt reminder - passenger
F11 ACSM 3000 Ausstattungsflags Gurtzustandsanzeige_Fahrer_GWF_GZA_FA not active = 00 active = 01 disable seat belt status display - driver
F11 ACSM 3000 Ausstattungsflags Gurtzustandsanzeige_Beifahrer_GWF_GZA_BF not active = 00 active = 01 disable seat belt status display - passenger
F11 ACSM 3000 Ausstattungsflags SPW_FA not active = 00 active = 01 disable sound on disconnect SB - driver
F11 ACSM 3000 Ausstattungsflags SPW_BF not active = 00 active = 01 disable sound on disconnect SB - passenger

F10/F11 CAS 3002 CLM ER_KEYOUT_AUTOVR aktiv nicht_aktiv Tested with Comfort Access. Unlocks doors when engine is stopped (start/stop button is pushed). Allows single pull to open doors.
F10/F11 CAS 3020 FRM SPIEGEL PARAMETER ASP_BEIKLAPPEN_B_KOMFORTSCHL aktiv nicht_aktiv Folds mirrors with long hold of lock button on key fob. Folds mirrors with long hold of door ridges on comfort access equipped vehicles.
F10/F11 CAS 3003 FH MASTER KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG_FB aktiv nicht_aktiv Closes windows + moon roof through Key Fob
F10/F11 CAS 3003 FH MASTER KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG_PA aktiv nicht_aktiv Closes windows + moon roof through comfort access

F10/F11 FRM 3030 FRM FH PARAMETER FH_TUER_AUF_STOP_MAUT nicht_aktiv aktiv Opening doors will not interrupt window roll up operation. Normally, if you open a door while the window is automatically rolling up, it will stop the operation. This feature disables it. May need to wait for iDrive to reset for activation
FRM 3050 FRM NSW_AUS_BEI_FL Change to nicht_aktiv to enbale Fog Lights with High Beams / Flashers
FRM 3050 FRM HELLIGKEIT_FL_BIXENON High Beam Brightness in %
FRM 3050 FRM HELLIGKEIT_DRL DRL Brightness in %
FRM 3050 FRM DRL_MODUS 0: DRL disabled; 1: DRL_H via beam, halogen U.S. (without lights); 2: DRL_L via low beam; 3: DRL_S via separate TFLeuchte; U.S. Xenon (rings + bottom); 4: TFL_S via separate TFLeuchte; ECE Xenon (rings + bottom); 5: TFL_ECE (North Country Comfort); 6: DRL_S_ohne_SL via separate TFLeuchte without taillight / tail lights, U.S.; 7: TFL_S_ohne_SL via separate TFLeuchte without tail light / rear light, ECE

FRM 3050 FRM WL_FUNKTION_NSW Welcome Lights - Fog Lights - 0 = Off; 1 = Soft (log); 2 = Hard (instant on); 3 = Soft (exp)
FRM 3050 FRM WL_FUNKTION_KZL License Plate Lights - 0 = Off; 1 = Soft (log); 2 = Hard (instant on); 3 = Soft (exp)
FRM 3050 FRM WL_FUNKTION_SSL Tail Lights - 0 = Off; 1 = Soft (log); 2 = Hard (instant on); 3 = Soft (exp)
FRM 3050 FRM WL_FUNKTION_POL Position Lights (Front Side LED's) - 0 = Off; 1 = Soft (log); 2 = Hard (instant on); 3 = Soft (exp)
FRM 3050 FRM WL_FUNKTION_AL Low Beam Lights - 0 = Off; 1 = Soft (log); 2 = Hard (instant on); 3 = Soft (exp)
FRM 3050 FRM WL_FUNKTION_FL High Beam - 0 = Off; 1 = Soft (log); 2 = Hard (instant on); 3 = Soft (exp)
FRM 3050 FRM WL_TIMEOUT Welcome Light: Activation time

FRM 3050 FRM FOMEHO_TIMEOUT FollowMeHome: Activation time
FRM 3050 FRM FLB_NSW high beam flashing: Control Fog Lights: 0: NSW inactive, 1: NSW blink as FL / TFL
FRM 3050 FRM FLB_INTERMITTIEREND high beam flash: Light control on the vehicle page: 0: in-phase, 1: intermittent, left and right opposite phase

IHKA 3000 IHKA_Codierdaten MEMORY_UMLUFT aktiv = always remember air recirculating
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dima745 (18.02.2019), Pavel-69 (04.11.2021), zalimhan74 (04.05.2015), Михаил525 (07.12.2020)