Новый Ford VCM 2. Тут будем собирать информацию по нему.
Подробная инструкция по изменению серийного номера в VCM 2:
- Фотографии внутренностей FORD VCM II - тут.
IDS software will support both the current VCM and new VCM II devices. The Vehicle Measurement Module (VMM) strategy remains unchanged. The VMM will continue to be supported and functional with the VCM and VCM II.
Integrated Diagnostic System Software (IDS):
The Ford Integrated Diagnostic System (IDS) user interface will only be impacted by minimal changes to accommodate the additional VCM II and CFR functionality. IDS will function with VCM II in 1st half of 2012. Some additional screens will be included to identify the VCM and VCM II (devices). IDS software is only compatible with the VCM and VCM II. Other non-Ford J2534 vehicle communication devices are not compatible or supported.
Видео - сброс VCM II на заводские настройки: