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Старый 01.06.2012, 17:18   #1 (permalink)
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Exclamation Time Bomb Fix For V32 - V33 - V34 - V35

Для пользователей KTS650 полезно будет.

I worked out a solution to keep V32 from doing the time and date check after it boots up, thus disabling the scanner. You can use any date now.
Tested it on KTS 650 and independent laptops, and seems to work well.

2 files have to be copied from let's say V29 [27, 28, 29, 30 all usable] to the V32 hard drive after installation.
easy enough .........

Access your V29 Hard Drive either directly or with a USB adapter, with a second computer.
Location: C:\ProgramFiles\PIWISDesktop
Files to copy from here: PiwisDesktop.exe and PiwisDesktopCI.exe
[both of these have a picture of a Cayenne associated with them]

Do your update to V32 and let the KTS650 shutdown.
DO NOT let it power up again.

Remove the hard drive, from the KTS 650,access it with another PC and USB adapter, go to location
C:\ProgramFiles\PiwisDesktop rename [or delete] the same files to something else.
[I generally put a 1 in front of the name]
and paste in the two files from the earlier version. [say V29]

The earlier version file will not invoke the time and date check and SOLVES the TimeBomb effect.

Put the HD with V32 back in the KTS 650.
Boot the fool thing up and go fix some cars. It will work.

I have done 4-5 shutdowns and multiple date changes, no adverse effects.

Not to say that a higher number of shutdowns will not do something crazy, but remember in the days of cheap hard drives, anyone can afford extra backups. It's a must.

After this I went back to the original BIOS 113 as well, not the one V32 installed which is 311. Just to eliminate the possible evil doings of 311.

PS: anyone's PiwisDesktop.exe files will work if you don't have an earlier version. Doesn't have to be your own.
A set is included here.

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