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Старый 09.01.2025, 04:23   #155809 (permalink)
Аватар для Juan7
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Откуда: U.S.A
Авто: Jeep Wrangler, GMC Yukon
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Пока ПиздасРашка закрывает YouTube, в Country #1 бум инвестиций в AI , японцы 100 ярдов вкладывают , араб 20 ярдов вносит в строительство Data Centers в 6 штатах

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The United States is the world leader in investment in artificial intelligence (AI), with the following statistics:
Total investment
The US has invested $328,548 million in AI over the last five years, which is more than any other country.
2023 investment
The US invested $67,911 million in AI in 2023, which is a 65.94% increase from 2019.
Private sector investment
The US private sector invested more than three times as much in AI than any other country from 2013 to 2023.
AI companies created
The US created 5,509 AI companies during that time, which is nearly four times the number of companies created in second-place China.
Generative AI investment
In 2023 and 2024, about 80% of the $56 billion invested in generative AI went to US companies.
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