Сообщение от simkard
Questions are : - Does solving bad blocks is mandatory ?
- What will be solved doing the USB restore ? (PCI enumeration, bad blocks, etc ...)
- Is it mandatory to change the SERIAL NUMBER from "1120134" to "1801201" (or anything of a higher value like "1801202", "1801203", etc ...)
- If modifying the 24C02 EEPROM is mandatory, where is this IC located on my PCB version "SP269-B1" / "SP269-B1S" ? (Ferrum seems to point me to a SMD titled H216 ... seems strange to me as the same chip on PCB version "SP101-B", "SP168-B", "SP168BA" or "SP269" is titled "2402 ... WP"
- In order to do the USB RESTORE, it seems that onboard button is not enough and there is a need to do a modification ? (what is it / where are the soldering points / etc ... ?)
Here on the forum there is all the information, dear Ferrum explained everything in detail a long time ago