07.05.2024, 06:40
#9 (permalink)
Регистрация: 09.08.2018
Сообщений: 30
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Откуда: Estados Unidos
Авто: Ford Escape
Сообщение от aaronyafet17
Вложение 58562
Вложение 58563
Вложение 58564
Вложение 58565
Вложение 58566
Вложение 58567
Hello, I have these ecfg of cummins engines: BAC, BAD, BBN, BBO, BDR. I have used them for the deletions of egr, dpf and scr of those engines, I have decided to sell them for 30 dollars the 5 folders, with the option to give you one free folder BAB, BDH, BAF, BBP. My email is in case you are interested: diesel_user97@outlook.com
delete this thread please.