как видишъ у них естъ и "open source"
* Project: OpenECU
* Version: $Id: gen_memmap.py 51645 2016-05-12 19:55:43Z sborders $
* File: $URL:
https://aetius.ps.local/svn/OpenECU/.../gen_memmap.py $
* Description: Memory map file for the strategy application.
* Copyright (C) 2016 Pi Innovo
* This document (program) contains proprietary information
* which is the property of Pi Innovo
* The contents of this document (program) must not be copied
* or disclosed to a third party without the prior agreement
* of an authorised officer of Pi Innovo
/* Internal MPC5534 RAM + remapped external RAM
* 64 KiB internal + 704 KiB external
* Note, eTPU code may not be robust to arrays in RAM
* straddling a 24-bit address boundary. Not a problem so
* long as the RAM starts on a 24-bit address boundary and
* occupies less than 0x1000000 bytes, as here.
PEmicro выпускает TRK-MPC5634M Embedded System Development Board and Kit на котором можно отработать собственный ECU, этим многие энтузиасты и пользуются так как он дешево стоит