17.11.2022, 19:54
#23 (permalink)
Регистрация: 02.11.2014
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Откуда: Estland
Авто: Audi A6 2014 3,0BiTDi 230kw
Ask the answer to this question to the manufacturer why they did it.
They already got hit on the head once for environmental tricks.
Apparently they don't want to get it again. Для просмотра ссылок или изображений в данном разделе, у Вас должно быть не менее 15 сообщение(ий). Сейчас у Вас 0 сообщение(ий).
These firmware problems can be bypassed, but standard equipment such as ODIS will not allow this.
The solution lies closer to the topic of chiptuning and specialists in this matter.
Maybe this “E” file can somehow mod for eating with Odis?