04.10.2021, 15:35
#9 (permalink)
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Откуда: Havanna
Авто: BMW
Как соединить VAS6154 и Porsche PIWIS 3
project PIWIS3 PT3G => VAS6154-Kolun a
look at below link when you take your right to use
1 Установите piwis 3 laptop.
2. Установите piwis 3 driver
3 put together vas6154 install the drivers for vas6154-piwis // attempt to update interface Flesch
, if you see 6154 as pt3g then it is ok if nevidi next step =>
4 separated you from laptop
5. Copy the deteskop and install VAS 6154 driver // installation after installation tend to deteskopa the trash
6 interface connects you 6154
7 program you run driver
8 interface you see 6154
9 select USB. Save.
10 Перезагрузитесь.
11 tart driver program tach app (the first option above left) choose passthru> pt3g-3 piwis install seeks interface.
12 Перезагрузитесь.
13 Interface joints run driver VAS6154 seen as a passthru pt3g update memory device, check the USB version pt3g dal see you ok almost 6154
vas 6154 драйвер:
отличный пост. спасибо