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Старый 31.07.2021, 03:33   #389 (permalink)
Участник тусовки
Регистрация: 22.08.2015
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Откуда: Москва
Авто: volvo
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вы установили вот так :

Before install this software you must install support software:
- Winrar latest version.
- Ultra iso.

Before extract files, you need:
- Turn off your user control.
- Turn off your Virus software.
- Turn off your window defender.
- Turn off your window firewall.
- Turn off your window update.

Step 1: Insert 2.8.daa into cd Drive
Step 2: Run Edition 2.8.31 and click yes.
Step 3: Double click on TT208-Prerequisites.cmd and wait until finish.
Step 4: Double click on ThirdPartyInstallationPackages.cmd and wait until finish.
Step 5: Double click on MainInstallationPackages.cmd and wait until finish.
Step 6: Double click on Patches\1-Development.cmd and wait until finish.
Step 7: Run Premium Tech Tool key emulators 2.8.xx.exe and enter this password: PaRoLi, then restart your computer
Step 8: Run Tech Tool icon on your desktop with admin, and try login with any ID, Password=> Then click exit and untick keep running.
Step 9: Run Client Update and update up to new version and wait until finish. Run try techtool icon on your desktop and close it
Step 10: Run Premium Tech Tool key emulators 2.8.xx.exe and enter this password: PaRoLi, click yes=> then restart your computer
Step 11: Copy apci update 18-3-2021 to c:programdata/techtool/waf
- reboot pc
Step 12: Open techtool on your desktop and close it
Step 13: Unlock
- Extract TECHTOOL 2.7 ACT.rar in to disk C.
- Run HWID/Get_HW_ID.exe, then click copy to clipboard.
- Run KG_Act/EXE/WLGen_Techtoollicenseeditor.exe. (***)
+ Click license Manager.
+ Click Add license
+ Enter Customer, company, Paste HWID into Hardware ID.
+ Make date Expriration and choose expride year that you want.
+ Click save.
+ Click Create License, this will appear a folder.
+ Copy Regkey.dat in this folder into Dick C:/TechToolLicenseEditor
- Run KG_Dev/EXE/WLGen_Techtoollicenseeditor.exe and make the same steps(***)
+ Change one step is Copy Regkey.dat in this folder into Dick C:/Devtool 2.7.XX.
- Run cmd with administrator.
- Enter cd /TechToolLicenseEditor=> Press enter.
- Enter Run=> Press enter
- Change user type become Developer.
- Copy user ID to remember.
- Click create DB with New key.
- Click Patch login.
Step 14: Run icon on your desktop and choose offline option, then enter user ID and enjoy

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ibm99s (25.03.2022), ssidexp09 (03.12.2021), Vitaly12041987 (27.01.2023)