Сообщение от =Stil=
Женек, тебя в тайге ебут за ленд-лиз? 
Буржуинский разумеешь?
«I want to tell you, from the Soviet point of view, what the President and United States have done to win the war. The most important things in this war are machines. The United States has proven that it can turn out from eight to ten thousand airplanes a month. England turns out three thousand a month, principally heavy bombers. The United States, therefore, is a country of machines. Without the use of those machines, through Lend-Lease, we would lose this war»
Это высказывание Сталина в Тегеране.
Помогите краснодарскому рогулю-фашисту прочитать, а то у него сложности с восприятием)))