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Поиск: Сообщения от: pupilov
Раздел: Диагностика Porsche | ремонт электроники 12.07.2021, 07:33
Ответов: 209
Просмотров: 56,668
Автор pupilov
I also did the firmware rollback, several times....

I also did the firmware rollback, several times. The license appears just like in your photo, but Piwis does not work.
You will see that even if there is no internet connection, all those scrambled...
Раздел: Диагностика Renault | ремонт электроники 09.04.2021, 08:02
Ответов: 79
Просмотров: 22,434
Автор pupilov
Yes, works great with Els. Better than ELM and...

Yes, works great with Els. Better than ELM and faster
Раздел: Диагностика Renault | ремонт электроники 09.04.2021, 08:01
Ответов: 100
Просмотров: 30,186
Автор pupilov
Yes, I use Clip for years now. But very new...

Yes, I use Clip for years now. But very new models (2020) are starting to fail even with latest Clip software
Раздел: Mercedes DAS, Xentry, WIS, EPC | Star Diagnosis, SD Connect, Carsoft 09.04.2021, 07:59
Ответов: 339
Просмотров: 87,538
Автор pupilov
Using this for almost a year. Thanks for the...

Using this for almost a year. Thanks for the detailed instructions!!
Раздел: IT-форум 09.04.2021, 07:57
Ответов: 219
Просмотров: 57,435
Автор pupilov
Yes Vmware is a little bit "heavy", but if you...

Yes Vmware is a little bit "heavy", but if you have a good system will plow like a truck. Never had real issues with it for a long time.
Раздел: IT-форум 09.04.2021, 07:54
Ответов: 92
Просмотров: 24,627
Автор pupilov
I always go with Thinkpads. Perfect for autoshop,...

I always go with Thinkpads. Perfect for autoshop, perfect for office.
Раздел: IT-форум 09.04.2021, 07:53
Ответов: 6
Просмотров: 1,900
Автор pupilov
I always use drivermax for older hardware/windows...

I always use drivermax for older hardware/windows installations. The free version will get the job done.
Раздел: Диагностика автомобилей других марок | ремонт электроники 09.04.2021, 07:49
Ответов: 4
Просмотров: 2,625
Автор pupilov
Try to update with similar SGO, or find a TPI for...

Try to update with similar SGO, or find a TPI for your rack. Can you post a full scan of the module?
Раздел: Флудилка 09.04.2021, 07:46
Ответов: 2,203
Просмотров: 291,408
Автор pupilov
Right now I am testing a Ravenol RCS oil. But I...

Right now I am testing a Ravenol RCS oil. But I usually stick with Mobil 1 Peak Life
Раздел: Чип-тюнинг 09.04.2021, 07:40
Ответов: 106
Просмотров: 56,049
Автор pupilov
The activator works, but you should really not...

The activator works, but you should really not use this kind of solution for your ecu. Pay a little and let someone modify the files properly.
Раздел: Чип-тюнинг 09.04.2021, 07:36
Ответов: 3,905
Просмотров: 1,143,658
Автор pupilov
This is a very stable Kess 2.7 software, with...

This is a very stable Kess 2.7 software, with latest fixes and works very stable for me

Для просмотра ссылок или изображений в данном разделе, у Вас должно быть не менее 15 сообщение(ий). Сейчас у...
Раздел: Добро пожаловать 09.04.2021, 07:29
Ответов: 92
Просмотров: 10,686
Автор pupilov
Sorry for the english reply. From my limited...

Sorry for the english reply. From my limited experience, you also need good backup tools. One J2534 adapter for flashing original files, maybe a Mpps and a Galletto l. Try to cover all the situations...
Раздел: Диагностика Porsche | ремонт электроники 09.04.2021, 07:12
Ответов: 209
Просмотров: 56,668
Автор pupilov
Please tell us how or how much?

Please tell us how or how much?
Раздел: Другие страны | Other countries 09.04.2021, 07:07
Ответов: 14
Просмотров: 5,728
Автор pupilov
Welcome. Please tell us what kind of mechanic are...

Welcome. Please tell us what kind of mechanic are you? You also do electronic stuff? Or just pure mechanical?
Раздел: Другие страны | Other countries 09.04.2021, 07:06
Ответов: 22
Просмотров: 12,791
Автор pupilov
Salut colegilor! Forumul este interesant. Pentru...

Salut colegilor! Forumul este interesant. Pentru probleme legate de grupul Vag va stau la dispozitie!
Раздел: Добро пожаловать 09.04.2021, 07:00
Ответов: 23
Просмотров: 3,484
Автор pupilov
Yes, this is also what I use with my Vas head....

Yes, this is also what I use with my Vas head. Everything works good!
Раздел: For non-russian speaking users 09.04.2021, 06:54
Ответов: 51
Просмотров: 12,651
Автор pupilov
While I don't actually speak russian, I...

While I don't actually speak russian, I understand the alphabet and don't really mind using google translate where I get stuck
Раздел: For non-russian speaking users 09.04.2021, 06:52
Ответов: 5
Просмотров: 949
Автор pupilov
Hello George. Also from RO, great to be here :...

Hello George. Also from RO, great to be here : super:
Раздел: For non-russian speaking users 09.04.2021, 06:51
Ответов: 2
Просмотров: 773
Автор pupilov
Hello friends

Hello, everyone. Been lurking the forum for a while, great community!
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