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Поиск: Сообщения от: bmwisis
Раздел: Диагностика Land Rover / Jaguar | ремонт электроники 06.01.2015, 20:09
Ответов: 2,077
Просмотров: 795,840
Автор bmwisis
the original it's expensive to buy and own it but...

the original it's expensive to buy and own it but if u are geniue ddk-f u could saved a lot moneys to make clone china work find with the software and full function ..

now may i know when u run...
Раздел: Диагностика Chrysler / Jeep / Dodge | ремонт электроники 29.12.2014, 22:16
Ответов: 57
Просмотров: 22,884
Автор bmwisis
well which i know u can buy micropod II and paid...

well which i know u can buy micropod II and paid for PASS set up log in server and then u can small fees each time u can log in witech either using micropod II or Witech VCI pod kits, or u can buy 3...
Раздел: Диагностика Ford / Mazda | ремонт электроники 30.11.2014, 10:26
Ответов: 1,660
Важно: Ford VCM 2
Просмотров: 649,488
Автор bmwisis
Mazda it's work stable Old VCM 1 then new VCM 2...

Mazda it's work stable Old VCM 1 then new VCM 2 and do not update firmware each time connect to Mrs bitch Mazda equally u will killed the VCM 1 or 2
-p/s also i know Mrs. mazda have a mod file's to...
Раздел: Мультимарочные диагностические сканеры 30.11.2014, 09:01
Ответов: 3
Просмотров: 1,735
Автор bmwisis
PM me i can tell u more detail about buy witech...

PM me i can tell u more detail about buy witech stuff or smart cable for StarMobile if u interesting
bmw isis
Раздел: Диагностика Nissan / Infinity | ремонт электроники 27.11.2014, 01:21
Ответов: 1,184
Важно: Nissan Consult 3 plus
Просмотров: 407,502
Автор bmwisis
Most C3+ can do all for u but as long u have...

Most C3+ can do all for u but as long u have right software .. also i know Nissan it's also have some kind software and USB CAN cable for able re-program or program new software for SRS, OCS modules...
Раздел: Диагностика Land Rover / Jaguar | ремонт электроники 17.11.2014, 19:59
Ответов: 2,077
Просмотров: 795,840
Автор bmwisis
to order clean sdd.. only u must took hdd out and...

to order clean sdd.. only u must took hdd out and install external adaptor hdd ata or sata then u can formatt nice and clean then nice clean wipe off and fresh install OS then u can try re-install...
Раздел: Диагностика Chrysler / Jeep / Dodge | ремонт электроники 17.11.2014, 02:06
Ответов: 57
Просмотров: 22,884
Автор bmwisis
actually his password did not change either 3mths...

actually his password did not change either 3mths or so: Super:
Раздел: Диагностика Chrysler / Jeep / Dodge | ремонт электроники 17.11.2014, 01:46
Ответов: 57
Просмотров: 22,884
Автор bmwisis
- well that is correct mean he can sale u full ID...

- well that is correct mean he can sale u full ID log in and if he got change it he will give each time he change it and also he can charge set up small fees one times then each time log in he can...
Раздел: Диагностика Nissan / Infinity | ремонт электроники 17.11.2014, 01:43
Ответов: 1,184
Важно: Nissan Consult 3 plus
Просмотров: 407,502
Автор bmwisis
well thanks fast rely back to me.. the problem...

well thanks fast rely back to me.. the problem they not sale it just only interface must buy complete come with software and clone so fas only good version 31.11 and some report work good 34.11 but...
Раздел: Диагностика Nissan / Infinity | ремонт электроники 16.11.2014, 14:08
Ответов: 1,184
Важно: Nissan Consult 3 plus
Просмотров: 407,502
Автор bmwisis
hi i am interest where to buy good interface C3+...

hi i am interest where to buy good interface C3+ too ...???? can u let me know or u can PM me thanks
bmw isis
Раздел: Диагностика Chrysler / Jeep / Dodge | ремонт электроники 16.11.2014, 10:33
Ответов: 57
Просмотров: 22,884
Автор bmwisis
Hi forum i know the guy in USA guy he sale and...

Hi forum i know the guy in USA guy he sale and set up run all StarMobile, or witech VCI pod kits new Micropod II run online full support all chrysler group, Jeep, Dodge, Fiat too and u can also buy...
Раздел: Диагностика Land Rover / Jaguar | ремонт электроники 16.11.2014, 10:22
Ответов: 2,077
Просмотров: 795,840
Автор bmwisis
i bought from one guy in USA he know to set up...

i bought from one guy in USA he know to set up full SDD can run old VCM1, and VCM2 and Mongoose, DA from version 137, 138, which latest version online xp or win 7 to vmware or the best native all...
Раздел: Диагностика Ford / Mazda | ремонт электроники 13.02.2014, 02:04
Ответов: 1,730
Важно: Ford VCM IDS
Просмотров: 660,571
Автор bmwisis
ford IDS ver 85 patch password

- i could not get the password archive to open up rar ver 85 please help thanks: Super:

Раздел: Диагностика Ford / Mazda | ремонт электроники 13.02.2014, 00:59
Ответов: 1,730
Важно: Ford VCM IDS
Просмотров: 660,571
Автор bmwisis
Ford VCM change serial number

-hello sir i got one VCM is blocked and i want change serial number, is there i can get better video u made able watch nice and clear. is hard to watch youtube video in here too small i can't open...
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