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Поиск: Сообщения от: bmw isis
Раздел: Диагностика BMW | ремонт электроники 28.08.2020, 06:00
Ответов: 718
Просмотров: 363,477
Автор bmw isis
U should checking Vanos solenoids Intake &...

U should checking Vanos solenoids Intake & Exhaust it's also comon when is old and bmw updating a lot new designed parts later .also don't using cheap oil & cheap oil filter clogged oil journal...
Раздел: Диагностика HONDA | ремонт электроники 30.06.2020, 21:34
Ответов: 741
Просмотров: 311,279
Автор bmw isis
this is fixed version i don't think can using new...

this is fixed version i don't think can using new version
Раздел: Диагностика Porsche | ремонт электроники 12.06.2020, 00:04
Ответов: 477
Просмотров: 163,634
Автор bmw isis
i paid piwis 3 system set up too.both system can...

i paid piwis 3 system set up too.both system can online PPN log in and special pc set up can log in ppn from seller only his pc setup because they protection their ID PPN log in..also can offline...
Раздел: Диагностика HONDA | ремонт электроники 30.05.2020, 04:22
Ответов: 741
Просмотров: 311,279
Автор bmw isis
Is this version can using HIM & GNA ?? i have...

Is this version can using HIM & GNA ?? i have MVci original not sure can using it.. i am ONLY can using 3.015.033 and the rest high version J2534 Only reporgram HDS using Actia xs_2g .....diagnose
Раздел: Диагностика HONDA | ремонт электроники 02.05.2020, 22:57
Ответов: 25
Просмотров: 13,955
Автор bmw isis
bambrik any one got done unlock HIM per him...

any one got done unlock HIM per him does it's work need report back please thanks: super:
Раздел: Диагностика Chrysler / Jeep / Dodge | ремонт электроники 16.04.2020, 01:51
Ответов: 46
Просмотров: 22,417
Автор bmw isis
selle might put batch files to registered...

selle might put batch files to registered system32 to past look fca group .u can check in system32 if u can see he put file's or run registered inside system32 folder
Раздел: Диагностика Porsche | ремонт электроники 13.03.2020, 03:08
Ответов: 477
Просмотров: 163,634
Автор bmw isis
only original only must buy for now

only original only must buy for now
Раздел: Диагностика KIA / HYUNDAI | ремонт электроники 27.02.2020, 23:17
Ответов: 21
Просмотров: 9,075
Автор bmw isis
can u show pixture or explain detail what K-line...

can u show pixture or explain detail what K-line adapter look like/???


which divide i can using ??? any j2534-1 &2 : wave:
Раздел: Диагностика Porsche | ремонт электроники 27.02.2020, 22:33
Ответов: 477
Просмотров: 163,634
Автор bmw isis
most new and old cars as long 16 pins connector...

most new and old cars as long 16 pins connector until now.......2018-2019 i think the version 39 just release which could be work 2020: thumbup:: biggrin:...but need to buy it and run vci 3
Раздел: Диагностика HONDA | ремонт электроники 22.02.2020, 01:31
Ответов: 28
Просмотров: 8,654
Автор bmw isis
The update is currently running. I am now at 47%....

The update is currently running. I am now at 47%. If it gets vertical, I could say the card type. Greetings from Hessen

thanks mate let me know after u got done :thumbup:
Раздел: Диагностика HONDA | ремонт электроники 22.02.2020, 01:07
Ответов: 28
Просмотров: 8,654
Автор bmw isis
nice mate so is there16gb any sdcard type i can...

nice mate so is there16gb any sdcard type i can use ?? remove and replace inside oem spx MVci can take this version 3.016.033??
Раздел: Диагностика Porsche | ремонт электроники 09.10.2019, 21:48
Ответов: 477
Просмотров: 163,634
Автор bmw isis
the mega link is down not able down load it u...

the mega link is down not able down load it u understand now?? but any way it's ok for me now no need it any more
Раздел: Диагностика VAG (AUDI / Volkswagen / Skoda / Seat) | ремонт электроники 23.09.2019, 20:15
Ответов: 687
Просмотров: 170,194
Автор bmw isis
this driver will not work because it's detected...

this driver will not work because it's detected Odis set up .....we need original vas6154 30.0.2 of the piwis3 and it's had contain 2 driver either selected as piwis3 vci or vas6154.....then can...
Раздел: Диагностика Porsche | ремонт электроники 21.09.2019, 22:37
Ответов: 477
Просмотров: 163,634
Автор bmw isis
links is down Mr.Admin can u re-upload it

links is down Mr.Admin can u re-upload it
Раздел: Диагностика Porsche | ремонт электроники 21.09.2019, 22:31
Ответов: 112
Просмотров: 35,777
Автор bmw isis
hi admin do u have old firmware version set...

hi admin do u have old firmware version set piwis3 can u able share sir thanks
Раздел: Диагностика Porsche | ремонт электроники 20.09.2019, 00:15
Ответов: 477
Просмотров: 163,634
Автор bmw isis
maybe about couple hundred euro for sure: super:

maybe about couple hundred euro for sure: super:
Раздел: Диагностика HONDA | ремонт электроники 19.09.2019, 02:21
Ответов: 741
Просмотров: 311,279
Автор bmw isis
HDS 3.103.023 Link dead

any one can upload link is dead: wave: thanks
never mind links work now
Раздел: Диагностика Porsche | ремонт электроники 03.09.2019, 22:02
Ответов: 477
Просмотров: 163,634
Автор bmw isis

for sure is full version 38.400.00 piwis3 with E mode ?? not old edit 37.9 with E mode???

how much u selling for??
Раздел: Диагностика Nissan / Infinity | ремонт электроники 09.08.2019, 21:02
Ответов: 1,184
Важно: Nissan Consult 3 plus
Просмотров: 407,502
Автор bmw isis
c3 plus version

hi canu able share upload this version thanks : thumbup: or i can donate
Раздел: Диагностика HONDA | ремонт электроники 19.07.2019, 22:58
Ответов: 25
Просмотров: 13,955
Автор bmw isis
my HIM use to be work is block is higher number.....

my HIM use to be work is block is higher number.. can u able unlock it i would like to pay for it your fees.......: thumbup:

also i try send whatapps but i could not see what country u using 89 or...
Раздел: Диагностика HONDA | ремонт электроники 08.04.2019, 22:16
Ответов: 741
Просмотров: 311,279
Автор bmw isis
HIM only can using HDS i think.....not install...

HIM only can using HDS i think.....not install this version yet .. but i will see if it's had immo function too.report back to this foruum: thumbup:
Раздел: Рекламироваться ТУТ 26.03.2019, 02:47
Ответов: 130
Просмотров: 42,447
Автор bmw isis
scn prices

thanks u try support this forrums but your prices scn i can't afford it for yearly or monthly........i think i better pay some else from $28-35 per scn ......i am sure maybe not same scn as u selling...
Раздел: Рекламироваться ТУТ 17.01.2019, 02:21
Ответов: 130
Просмотров: 42,447
Автор bmw isis
scn coding

how much u charge time log in scn ??? can u able log in Vedoc??

do u sale log in scn ID per month or 3 months and each yrs possible??? let me know thanks


and how much u selling...
Раздел: Диагностика HONDA | ремонт электроники 17.01.2019, 01:51
Ответов: 741
Просмотров: 311,279
Автор bmw isis
hi any one had successfully can using Immo to do...

hi any one had successfully can using Immo to do all key lost or add keys and PCM replacement for these version with Honda Him, MVci or j2534????
Раздел: Диагностика VAG (AUDI / Volkswagen / Skoda / Seat) | ремонт электроники 20.03.2018, 21:42
Ответов: 2,793
Просмотров: 681,904
Автор bmw isis
becarefull using Odis E flash and program if u...

becarefull using Odis E flash and program if u not know use it.. could leading lost communication ECU... better using Vas head stable... or J2534-1 & 2.. china open port J2534 should work but u know...
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