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Поиск: Сообщения от: Paris
Раздел: Диагностика VAG (AUDI / Volkswagen / Skoda / Seat) | ремонт электроники 15.12.2013, 21:02
Ответов: 24
Просмотров: 4,374
Автор Paris
I had the same problem with some of control...

I had the same problem with some of control units. It turned out that I had to go to the VCI Manager (already installed together with your VASPC) and just activate the VAS5054 interface. Then it was...
Раздел: Диагностика VAG (AUDI / Volkswagen / Skoda / Seat) | ремонт электроники 15.12.2013, 20:50
Ответов: 3
Просмотров: 1,122
Автор Paris
Mate, I cannot really understand what you mean......

Mate, I cannot really understand what you mean... What kind of simulation are you talking about?
Раздел: Диагностика VAG (AUDI / Volkswagen / Skoda / Seat) | ремонт электроники 15.12.2013, 17:22
Ответов: 12
Просмотров: 3,500
Автор Paris
Not all official dealers know exactly what to do....

Not all official dealers know exactly what to do. Some times they do not do exactly what they should. mexanicka did not retrofit anything (or did he and I did not get it?). If no retrofit was done,...
Раздел: Диагностика VAG (AUDI / Volkswagen / Skoda / Seat) | ремонт электроники 15.12.2013, 17:18
Ответов: 33
Просмотров: 10,044
Автор Paris
Correct. My mistake. It is WFS IV. Thanks n_joe

Correct. My mistake. It is WFS IV. Thanks n_joe
Раздел: Диагностика VAG (AUDI / Volkswagen / Skoda / Seat) | ремонт электроники 15.12.2013, 17:15
Ответов: 24
Просмотров: 7,641
Автор Paris
You can install VASPC 19.01.01 and all brands you...

You can install VASPC 19.01.01 and all brands you have in Win7 by simply running all exe files in compatibility mode win xp. You do not have to run it in virtual mode.
Раздел: Диагностика VAG (AUDI / Volkswagen / Skoda / Seat) | ремонт электроники 15.12.2013, 17:07
Ответов: 11
Просмотров: 3,210
Автор Paris
No way to disable it without removing it. I know...

No way to disable it without removing it. I know some cases in Transporter VWN, where some workshops completely remove it, they weld the exhaust pipes and they send the ECU for special reprogramming...
Раздел: Диагностика VAG (AUDI / Volkswagen / Skoda / Seat) | ремонт электроники 15.12.2013, 16:54
Ответов: 99
Просмотров: 13,268
Автор Paris
Flashing of any control uni is not for free. Any...

Flashing of any control uni is not for free. Any new software must be paid to the supplier and R&D department. Then it has to be approved by the technical and quality assurance departments of the...
Раздел: Диагностика VAG (AUDI / Volkswagen / Skoda / Seat) | ремонт электроники 15.12.2013, 16:37
Ответов: 33
Просмотров: 10,044
Автор Paris
It is unlikely to do it work... As you correctly...

It is unlikely to do it work... As you correctly said, FAZIT has got a specific identification of the car and now you are trying to adapt not only a new identification but also a completely different...
Раздел: Диагностика VAG (AUDI / Volkswagen / Skoda / Seat) | ремонт электроники 15.12.2013, 16:24
Ответов: 16
Просмотров: 2,747
Автор Paris
Which airbags exactly did you replace? And what...

Which airbags exactly did you replace? And what exactly have you done to the seat belt tensioners? Did you also replace the airbag control unit or not? What was the initial problem?
Раздел: Диагностика VAG (AUDI / Volkswagen / Skoda / Seat) | ремонт электроники 15.12.2013, 16:21
Ответов: 12
Просмотров: 3,500
Автор Paris
Probably, the following control units need to be...

Probably, the following control units need to be recoding online:
Engine control unit, mechatronics, gateway J533.
Раздел: Руководства, инструкции, мануалы VAG 15.12.2013, 16:13
Ответов: 3
Просмотров: 2,595
Автор Paris
Thanks, but if you see the other threads, someone...

Thanks, but if you see the other threads, someone have posted all SSPs. Including yours.
Раздел: Руководства, инструкции, мануалы VAG 15.12.2013, 16:10
Ответов: 780
Просмотров: 216,150
Автор Paris
Does anyone know which SSP refers to N75 in some...

Does anyone know which SSP refers to N75 in some detail?
Раздел: Диагностика VAG (AUDI / Volkswagen / Skoda / Seat) | ремонт электроники 18.10.2013, 00:06
Ответов: 26
Просмотров: 7,402
Автор Paris
You have to replace the whole mechatronics. The...

You have to replace the whole mechatronics. The message that has appeared means that it has gone to safe mode, because there is too much pressure to move the valves of the gear levers and the valves...
Раздел: Диагностика VAG (AUDI / Volkswagen / Skoda / Seat) | ремонт электроники 17.10.2013, 22:51
Ответов: 55
Просмотров: 18,914
Автор Paris
Do as AlexMac says above and also do not forget...

Do as AlexMac says above and also do not forget to go to the "VCI Manager" and tick the box near VAS5054 interface. Then both ODIS and VASPC will "see" your bluetooth interface.
Раздел: Диагностика VAG (AUDI / Volkswagen / Skoda / Seat) | ремонт электроники 16.10.2013, 20:48
Ответов: 20
Просмотров: 11,739
Автор Paris
VAS-PC does not get supported anymore from...

VAS-PC does not get supported anymore from 1/10/2013. Last brand cds for VW, VWN and Audi are 19.23.00 and 19.23.01 and 19.50.01 respectively. ODIS will be the only software that will continue to get...
Раздел: Добро пожаловать 16.10.2013, 20:38
Ответов: 9
Просмотров: 1,109
Автор Paris

I am an Automotive Engineer and I am interested in the specific forum, since I find useful topics to get involved.

As a new member I thought it is good to present myself. Hello then!
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