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Руководства, инструкции KIA / HYUNDAI Мануалы, руководства, инструкции по обслуживанию и ремонту КИА, Хендай.

Microcat Hyundai 2013.08 - 2013.09 Multilingual

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Старый 28.10.2013, 19:25   #1 (permalink)
Регистрация: 26.10.2013
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Откуда: italia
Авто: audi a3
По умолчанию Microcat Hyundai 2013.08 - 2013.09 Multilingual

The order of installation is as follows:
1. Copy the contents of the directory MCHYW to another temporary folder ( we'll need ) .
2 . Install the new version over the existing one. The installer will automatically update the files. Do not reboot.
3 . Copy (without replacement) MCHYW stored contents of the previous version of the catalog MCHYW new version.
4 . Install the patch ( after installing a shortcut to MCHYW.EXE reappear on the desktop.)
5 . Apply the medication.
Clean install programs without having installed the previous version - bezsmyslenna .

After installation is complete abandon reboot.
If installed in the default folder , you can simply run the file "run crack.cmd" from the folder "Lekarstvo".
In other words:
Mg16.dll replace the original file in the folder with the installed program to one that is in the hand (the folder "Lekarstvo").
File with the same name necessarily delete the folder "Windows \ system32".
Reboot and use !

Instructions for updating the program and the opening of all the regions
For those who want to see all the regions in the installed program :
If installed in the default folder , you can simply run the file "run hywc.cmd" from the folder "Lekarstvo".
In other words:
Take the file "HYWc.dat" from the folder "Lekarstvo" and replace them the original file in the folder with the data "X: \ HYW_Data".
( For those who want to open themselves to all the installed program : in the folder with the data "X: \ HYW_Data" is a file hywc.dat. Open this file in any version of Excel , it opens as a table.
Clear the entire contents of three columns : ToYear, ProductionTo, ExcludedCountries, of course, except the column headings. Exit from Excel and save the file. On the warning about what to save the file in this format and can be dangerous to lose any data - say yes . )
Updating everyone can make it yourself:
1 - Run the program .
2 - Enter the username and password (if you go the first time, create a user in the menu "Administration" - lower left button pop-up authorization).
3 - Choose any brand and close the pop-up " Vehicle identification " .
4 - Select the top menu "Help" - "Update data " .
5 - If it finds a new , go to the website link, enter the password "Microcat", download the update .
6 - Set up and re- perform the treatment .
Do not forget - after updating to again go through the procedure of treatment!

Year/Date of Release : 2013
Version: 08 - 09
Developer : Infomedia Ltd.
Website Developer : [Только для зарегистрированных...]
Language : Multilingual
Medicine: Present

System requirements :
800 MHz- processor , 256 MB OZU
Operating system :
Windows XP, Vista, 7 - 32 -bit ( compatible with 64 -bit)

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angelokk вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 10.03.2014, 11:46   #2 (permalink)
Регистрация: 10.03.2014
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Откуда: Владикавказ
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ingar вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 14.08.2021, 14:57   #3 (permalink)
Регистрация: 14.08.2021
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Откуда: Кемерово
Авто: Kia CEED
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[Только для зарегистрированных...] - Microcat Hyundai 08-2018 08 [ENG + RUS]
[Только для зарегистрированных...] - Microcat KIA 2018-08 [ENG + RUS]
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