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#1 (permalink) |
Регистрация: 28.06.2017
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Откуда: Санкт-Петербург
Авто: BriancalNW
Hello, my friends. I recently bought new laptop and reinstalled operating system, and i have many problems that i wanted to resolve, but i don't know how. I was using ubuntu, but i've set up win7 and my opinion is that that there are some issues with firewall. I can't use postgresql port because it's also not working and a lot of ports are not working with other computers from the internet. Perhaps, it is a problem with modem, but I'm not sure. So what is your opinion?
---------- Hello guys!. I recently bought new computer and installed windows, and i have a lot of issues that i wanted to resolve, but i have no idea. I used ubuntu, but i've installed windows and i think that there are some issues with brandmauer. I can't use apache port because it's also busy and some ports are not working with other computers from the internet. Perhaps, it is an issue with router, but I'm not sure. What do you think? ---------- Hi to all!. I recently bought new laptop and installed windows, and i have some problems that i wanted to fix, but i don't know how. I was using ubuntu, but i've installed win7 and my opinion is that that there are some problems with brandmauer. I can't use mysql port because it's often busy and a lot of ports are not visible to other clients from the network. Perhaps, it is a problem with cisco, but I'm not sure. So what is your opinion?
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