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Mmoexp FC 24:I hope this tutorial has been helpful Источник: https://autoprogs.ru/newthread

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Старый 03.10.2023, 08:59   #1 (permalink)
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По умолчанию Mmoexp FC 24:I hope this tutorial has been helpful Источник: https://autoprogs.ru/newthread

Hello, gamers! Welcome to another exciting tutorial on FC 24. In today's episode, we are going to discuss the most overpowered way to deliver a throw ball in FC 24, putting yourself in a one-on-one situation with the goalkeeper. This technique, known as the Precision Driven Throw Ball, is a game-changer that can break down any defense in FC 24. So, let's dive right in!

The Power of Precision

Before we begin, if you're looking to buy cheap and reliable FC 24 coins, make sure to check out the best place on the market, 7by.com. Use the code "crusty" for a discount and get your coins within 10 minutes. Now, let's move on to the main topic.

The Precision Driven Throw Ball is a special combo that requires pressing multiple buttons simultaneously. Although it may sound complicated, the results are more than impressive. This technique has become my go-to attacking move in FC 24, allowing me to create numerous goal-scoring chances.

Example 1: Unleashing the Power

In previous FIFA editions, the triangle button on [Только для зарегистрированных...] PlayStation or the Y button on Xbox was commonly used to deliver a through ball to the striker. However, in FC 24, there is a new, better, and more effective technique. Let's take a look at the first example:

Take possession of the ball with your player.
Press and hold R1 + L1 (PlayStation) or RB + LB (Xbox) simultaneously.
Load around 3 to 3.5 bars of power using the triangle button (PlayStation) or Y button (Xbox).
Hold the left stick towards the running direction of your striker.
Aim between the defenders and release the pass.
As you can see, the precision-driven throw ball is faster than regular throw balls, making it difficult for defenders to intercept. This technique puts your striker in a one-on-one situation with the goalkeeper, creating an easy chance to score.

Example 2: Breaking Down the Defense

Let's take another example to further demonstrate the effectiveness of the precision-driven throw ball:

Gain possession with your player.
Spot the gap between defenders.
Apply the same technique as in Example 1.
Release the pass, aiming to exploit the gap.
In this example, the precision-driven throw ball beats four defenders, completely breaking down the opponent's defense. The striker is left in a one-on-one situation with the goalkeeper, resulting in a beautiful goal.

Enhancing Your Game

To maximize the potential of the precision-driven throw ball, it's essential to consider a few additional factors:

Custom Instructions: Apply the "Get in Behind" instruction to your offensive players to ensure they make runs towards the opponent's goal, creating space and breaking down the defense.

Controller Settings: Optimize your passing by adjusting the through ball assistance settings. Set through pass assistance to "Semi," ground pass assistance to "Assisted," and cross assistance to "Assisted." Additionally, set precision pass sensitivity to "Normal" for optimal results.

Player Play Styles: Look for players with play styles such as "Incisive Pass," "Pink Pass," "Long Ball Pass," and "Tiki-Taka." These play styles boost the speed and accuracy of your through balls, making them even more effective.

The precision-driven throw ball is undoubtedly a game-changer in FC 24. By mastering this technique, you can create numerous goal-scoring opportunities and break down any defense. Remember to apply custom instructions, optimize your controller settings, and look for players with compatible play styles to further enhance your game.

I hope this tutorial has been helpful in improving your skills in FC 24. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to leave a comment. Don't forget to give this article a like and subscribe to [Только для зарегистрированных...] my YouTube channel for more incredible tips and tricks. Keep gaming and enjoy your success in FC 24!
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