Скорее не в башке:biggrin1:
А сколько от этих высеров в кармане.
Такие как правило переобуваются первыми,(раньше плешивого):super:
Как говорится:так не должно быть,
но снова я взгляд твой ловлю:biggrin:
газета гардиен
It was not supposed to be like this. Ukraine’s counteroffensive, which began in June, was intended to put Russia on the defensive. But at the beginning of August, Russian forces launched an attack in and around Kupiansk, 65 miles east of Kharkiv. Temporarily, the Ukrainians appeared caught off guard, and the frontline moved by two miles. The attackers’ strategy is grimly familiar: shells rain from positions seven or so miles away into the city and to east and south of i
In response, local authorities announced the civilian evacuation of Kupiansk and territories to the east of it, an area home to slightly more than 10,000 people in a region that had been liberated last September. Col Gen Oleksandr Syrskyi, the commander of Ukraine’s land forces, visited the sector, discussed reinforcements with local commanders and acknowledged that the situation had become, in his word, complicated.
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